The world keeps turning

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Annalie wakes up suddenly in a... Blue? A blue grassland, but she didn't know exactly where she was.
"Is anyone here?" Annalie said.
"Why are YOU here at THIS time?" Said a raspy voice.
As Annalie turned she saw a horrible white rabbit, it was missing an eye, so she could see his bloody eye socket. His ears were tearing off his head, leaving a trail of blood on the floor. His ripped mini-suit was almost dragging across the flor.

Annalie felt scared, out of exits, heart pounding, hands sweating. She turned around and started to run, would she be able to escape?

"Tsk. There is no time to RUN! No, don't try darling, for I will be behind you E-V-E-R-Y step you take!" said the rabbit.

I need to get away from here! Alice thought.

She ran and ran but there seemed to not be anything more than flowers. As she ran she picked a flower, what did she have to lose? All of a sudden, a horrible scream came out of nowhere. Annalie's legs started to become numb, she felt tired, her eyes started to close, and she fell asleep.

Annalie woke up, where was the rabbit? And WHERE WAS SHE? She looked around, she was in a cave, there were lots of flowers, but not normal flowers, this had, faces? Each and every single flower had two black "eyes" and a mouth full of sharp teeth and dripping blood. And they all seemed especially hungry...

"Eenie meenie,

Miny mo,

Who's the one,

That tore us off?" they chanted.

"Once we come,

you better run,

before we tear,

your insides out!"

They seemed to come each time closer and closer, trying to bite her every time. Annalie looked up, where she saw a guy about her age, trying to tell her to jump up. Could she really jump that high? She jumped. She almost missed his hand, but he caught her in time. He swung her up onto another level of the cave.

Annalie looked at the guy, he had black hair and blue eyes. She seemed quite enchanted by him.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Adam, but I am mostly known as Mad Ki-" he sighed, "Well that doesn't matter, may I know your name?"


"A charming name, for a charming lady"he said as he smirked.

"Let me get to the point. I don't know how I got here, but I need to get back home."she said.

Adam gave her a sly flirty smirk, making Annalie blush.

"And... may I have the honor of guiding you in your quest?"


Adam jumped in exitement, "I'll protect you from any of those horrors my dear!"

"Okay, let's set some rules:

1- I'm NOT your dear

2- You have to stay 5 mt away from me

3- Do not betray me"

Annalie surprised herself when she said that last rule. She looked at Adam, she could have sworn that for a split second she saw a mix of sadness, anger, and dissapointment in his face. She must have insulted him.

"I beg you to trust me, please."

When she saw how determined he was, she said yes.

"By the way, I have a place close by where we could sleep, wanna go there?"he asked.

"I would be delighted."

Liking it? Bet you are. Didn't Adam seem a bit... peculiar? Well, anyways, see you next chapter!

Falling up the rabbit holeWhere stories live. Discover now