Episode 5 - Operation "Get-Back"

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A few of the guys went to buy suitable clothes for the mission as for the others they wanted to take a look around the palace before the mission starts.

As for LiFu - she is organizing her thoughts. "At last I can meet him. I have so many things to ask him - most important question is: how did he get his hands on my jade piece? How ironical... me having my sister's ine as for him holding on on mine's..." She holds the fire red jade piece in her hands and is lost in thoughts while staring at it.
But that didn't last long -she was disturbed by someone knocking on the door. It was GaoHu. He was leaning at the door with his hands crossed. "Having second thoughts or are you just nervous?" He asked and looked at the thing in her hands. Catching his strange look on the jade piece she starts to explain - as she understood what kind of a gaze it was.

"This one belonged my dead sister. It was a present from me - as a symbol of our sisterhood. That we would always be together through fire and water." She went silent and then put her hand on the side were she was hurt during the fire. "On that day - I really went through fire - but alone. My sister didn't survive it. This is my punishment... for being unable to hold on my promise and also being incapable of saving my sister." While saying she stroke once more on the scar. Then she stood up and walked towards the door. "Sorry for making you listen to my mood-breaking story. And thank you -for helping me tonight. I am neither nervous nor do I want to cancel this. So, let's go!"

She tapped on his shoulder and went out of the room. GaoHu stared on the place LoFu sat before for a moment and then followed her soon after.

Tonight was the most important night - for the gang of 19 people and also for LiFu : because if they fail this mission - they would be put to death. They gathered in front of the palace gates and GaoHu doscussed the plan again with everyone in a low voice. After that everyone nodded in response.

Now it starts...

Five of Eight of the "Distraction"-group boys went a few meters away from the palace gates and started to fight - two of them escaped and went towards the gate guards. One of the guards left together with them and ine stayed behind to continue to keep watch. Then the rest of the group went to distract the one guard who stayed behind with questions - to be exact - questions with no answers so that the guard was really in a bind. Everytime they spoke they dragged the guard a few steps away from the gate. After being sure that there was enough gap we took the chance to pass through. Slowly sneaking our way we had to hide many time when palace maids and other guards made their rounds. At long last we got near the one house with golden dragons on the roof. The golden dragon was proof of that house belonging to the emperor. They were ready to go in. Good thing that they found out that tonight the Emperor would be outside his house because he has to attend an important banquet. GaoHu split the group up to five "observer" and five "searcher". GaoHu and LiFu also belonged to the searcher-team. The observer-team hid themselves in a bush of weeds and the searcher-team made their move: with silent but fast steps they got in front of the door and GaoHu opened it. They went inside the room couldn't resist themselves staring blindly at the many artefacts and valuable stuffs inside and stood still for a moment. Then they started searching. "Remember guys, it is a small blueish jade stone. We need to find it fast before the emperor returns." GaoHu warned them again and then he also began to start searching. LiFu searched at small places where no one would thing that there could be something. Then she found a small button. She looked where the others were and saw that they were in the other part of the room. She decided to push the buttom. Right after that the floor underneath her startet to open and she fell through it. The floor began to build up to its former form again and closed down. She fell down on her bottom and caused her to scream for a second. The place she fell was dark but there was light at the end. She slowly walked towards the light and aaw a well lot small room full with books, written and unused bamboo papers and writing brush. It seemd to be a study room. She picked up one of the written bamboo papers and read aome parts of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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