It's Gonna Be A Long Day...

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Now I know I said when I was about to die that I was sorry, but the truth of GHE matter is, I'm not. The people buzzing around me like flies, the joker trying to kill me, and now Tony Zucco? I felt like I was dead, and this was my awakening into hell.

"Look, the point is the Joker and Zucco are teaming up, and you're the main target. We need to work as a team once again if we want to win this. I know I'm starting to sound all sentimental, but I just wanna kick some joker ass, now are you in or not?" Jason said, his voice sounding the same as it used to before the incident. I was about to respond when he interrupted once more. "Good, now we need a plan Dickhead, and we need one now," his voice echoed throughout the large room, his hands now in fists. It was starting to look like this was all some scheme for Jason to face off against the clown.

"I'm flattered, really," I rolled my eyes in disgust. "But I'm done living in this shadow you've all cast for me, now if you'll excuse me, I have some leads on Zucco to follow."

Just as I started to leave the room, a warm hand nudged me back on to a chair.

"Not so fast, Dick. We could use that information together. I have some leads myself, and if we work together, it'll give you a better chance to get at Zucco. Think of it as a deal, information for information, a man for a man, this doesn't have to be a team if you don't want it to be," I could hear Bruce's voice from behind me. This could be the turning point for me. Finding Zucco means taking every resource I can find, weather it be in plain sight or in hiding.

"Promise me it's not a team?"


Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry the chapters have been short so far. As the story progresses, the chapters will hopefully get longer. Comment your feedback and opinions, I love to hear them. Thanks lovelies!💕

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