Distance Hurts

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Edward woke up dazed and confused 2 minutes later wondering what happened and where he was. "What's going on?" he said. "You fainted hunny". "Who you?"

"My name is Andrea. I'm one of the judges."

"Oh shoot my audition!!"

"You did fine sweetie. You need to go and get some rest. We'll be calling you back in 5 to 10 business days". She grinned. He nodded. "Let me get my stuff and go I guess". He went to the back, gathered his belongings and went to his car. He pulled out his phone and called his mother to tell her what happened. When he hung up he began to cry. He knew he'd messed up and could have done so much better if he didn't get nervous. He wiped his tears and began driving.

Distance hurtsWhere stories live. Discover now