Broken Love

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  When Edward arrived home, his mom had prepared him a delicious dinner that he could smell from the driveway, and his favorite desert...CARROT CAKE! He walked through the door. "I'm home!" He yelled through the big house. "Hey sweetie! I made you a light dinner and a cake to cheer ya up. And I would love if you'd invite Maya over for dinner."

  "I'll text her and tell her come over". Sheila smiled and kissed his forehead. "I'm sure you still sounded amazing baby." She glided back into the kitchen to finish decorating the cake. Edward texted Maya, his bestfriend, and told her to come over.

  It had gotten pretty dark by the time Maya had arrived. They all had gotten a plate of the delicious food that Sheila prepared. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, string beans and cornbread. All homemade. They sat in the living room and watched a few old madea plays. Edward's favorite. When they'd all finished their food, Sheila took their empty plates into the kitchen. She brought out giant hunks of warm carrot cake with melted caramel drizzled all down the sides, and served it with a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream.

  "Why don't you stay here tonight Maya?" Sheila asked carrying the tray with their desert from the kitchen. "Sure Ms. S. Might as well". Just then, Sheila's fiancé Sean walked through the door with a bag from the apple store. "I'm home! And you'll never believe what i got on sale!"

  "Hey sweetie!" Sheila greeted Sean with a hug and kiss. "Hey baby. Sheils you'll never believe it! I was driving, on my way home when I glanced out my window and seen that the Apple Store was going to be shut down in this area and everything was on sale!!"



"What about the apple store?" Edward asked getting up to greet Sean from the couch. "Wassup E!" "Hey dad" Edward responded. "Hey Maya!" Sean exclaimed. Maya waved.

  Everybody loved Sean. He was always so enthusiastic and fun to be around. Edward met Sean when he was 6, but didn't call him dad until after he was about 12. Edward's birth father died when he was 2. His mom met Sean at her old job's Christmas party when Edward was 5 and they've been in love ever since.


  Sean poured out a bag of apple products onto the couch. 4 iPhones, 2 iPads, 3 iPods, 12 pairs of ear buds, 10 chargers, 15 cases, 6 screen protectors and a mac pc. "DAD WHAT THE HE-" "make me slap you hea'?" Sheila said cutting him off. Sean chuckled. "I got all of this for under $3,500!"

  "I don't believe this! This is insane!" Sheila yelled.

  "I know right!?" Sean handed everyone, including Maya, a phone, an extra charger, and an extra pair of ear buds. "The iPads are for me and your mother, we each get an iPod except you Maya sorry, we each get 5 cases except you Maya sorry, everyone gets a screen protector, and you can have the laptop son. I'll keep the extra stuff for later. This is amazing!"

  Everybody hugged and thank Sean. They all gathered in the living room and watched movies and played on their new gadgets until they all fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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