Chapter 4: Hidden

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A/N: Heeeeey anons! Yup it Ichimated again! Looks like it be mah turn~ ENJOY ANONS!

Ray's POV:

I'm so happy. But.... I'm also worried. What will the guys think and say of US....? We could get fired.... We could get laughed at... We could be ridiculed... Man... And there's even more things that could happen! I don't know if I'm ready to face the world with Ryan.... How could I say that to his face?! It's messed up! UGH! WHY THE FUCK IS THE WORLD AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE US SO MUCH?!?! I sighed loudly and fell on to my bed. I'll tell him tomorrow... I thought to myself. With that, I curled up under my warm comforter and fell into sweet sleep.

I woke up in a cold sweat because of my worrying... I should really stop this shit. I mean, I don't care what thoses fuckers do, as long as I'm with Ryan.... But... Why do I keep getting this sinking feeling in my stomach...? I walked out the door and started my venture to the office. Man I'm fucking nervous....

After a while of walking, I finally arrived at the office. I went into the door and greeted everybody with a smile, which is +10 swag in my book, and looked for Ryan. After a while I saw him.

"Hey Ray." He smiled happily. God his smile is obviously contagious cause now IM smiling like an idiot. I chuckled.

"Hey Ryan. You seem happy today." He noded and laughed.

"It's because I still can't believe you said yes to me.... I'm really happy." He smiled again but this time, a bit more timidly.

"Hey.... Ryan?"


......"We need to be hidden from the others".....

Always: An R and R connection fanfic (Collab with MusicPoetryPictures)Where stories live. Discover now