Chapter 12: R&R!

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A/N: It's music again!

Ryan's POV:

They came back much quicker than Ray or I appreciated. They tried to open the door many times before concluding it was in fact locked. I am extremely grateful for that as it gave us the time to look presentable. Geoff pulled out his keys and unlocked the door before flinging it open.

"Why the fuck did you guys lock the door?!" Ray didnt say anything leaving me the one to answer. Thanks...

"JJ kept coming in here to make us read for an ambush RT recap." Sounded right enough as long ad JJ wasnt asked... In that case were screwed. Geoff shrugged accepting it and turned sat down. I noticed Ray let out a breath of relief and then Michael leaned over to talk to him.

"Alright guys its time to record." Geoff said glancing around the room and in the moment I knew he knew. Once we got into the game Geoff explained all the rules including it was a team game.

"TEAM NICE DYNAMITE MI-COOL!!" Gavin screamed regardless of the fact Michael was less than a foot away.

"R And R connection!" Jack glared Michael laughed Geoff smiled and I dont think Gavin even heard, but i know that everyone in the room knows. Theres no way they dont. I shot Ray a wary glance who gulped.

"Yeah R and R connection, Ray."

Always: An R and R connection fanfic (Collab with MusicPoetryPictures)Where stories live. Discover now