Chapter Four

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On Monday I made sure to avoid everyone. I started my day in the conseler's office, begging for her to change my schedule. "Cheyanne, I have much more important matters to consider. Do you realize how complex your schedule is? You have much of the same people in your classes. If I change you, it would mean I would have to rearrange twenty schedules!" Mrs. Termont argues with me. I sigh, dropping my head in my hands.

I hear her lean back in her seat, air whooshing. "Is something the matter with your classes? The people. The teacher perhaps?" I shake my head. "No." I look at the guidance counselor who was supposed to help me with my problems. I stand shakily, grabbing my backpack off the floor. 

"Thanks, Mrs. Tremont," I say, for nothing, I conclude in my head. I walk out of there, looking down at the reprinted sheet of my schedule. I swear, the only good thing that came out of this meeting, was that I missed the first thirty minutes of Spanish III.

As I was walking toward my locker to put away my stuff, I bumped into a tall, hard body. "Oof." My glasses are knocked from my face and go skidding against the linoleum floor. I drop down, muttering "sorry" and in search of my much-needed glasses. 

"Omigosh!" The guy runs off. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! I'm such an oaf sometimes and I run into peole twenty-four seven. My mom says I should see a doctor. She thinks I have bad eyesight or something. Personally I think I'm just a motherfucking giant and everyone else is woodland creatures. I can't see anything that isn't right in front of me!"

I finally locate my glasses and place them back onto my face. I need too get a good look at this guy. My eyes lock with his... chest? I have to tilt my head way up to be able to see his face. I step back for good measure.

"Gak." I stammer. Intelligent, Chey, absolutely intelligent. 

Gentle giant over here, sticks out his hand, offering it to me. "Samuel Zavala." He says. I tentatively take his hand. "Cheyanne Levine." We shake on it. "I'm really sorry about bumping into you." He says. I shake my head. "It was obviously my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going."

Samuel shakes his head. "Uh uh girlfriend, it was all my fault." I leave it at that, surprised I have ever talked so much with a stranger. We had been walking for a bit, since my locker is in the way back of the school, when Samuel surprises me yet again. "Where the hell are we going?" 

I stop dead in my tracks. "What? What do you mean?" Samuel turns aroudn. "I don't know where I'm going? I'm new?" he says. I laugh, the first in months. "I'm going to my locker. You can join me?" I ask shyly. Samuel nods. "You can count me-"


We both turn to face whoever added their opinion in the conversation they weren't in. At the end of the empty corridor stood Luke. "Who the fuck is that?" Samuel asks. "Your boyfriend?" I don't even say anything. Luke walks over to the both of us. 

"Cheyanne. Giant that belongs in a fairytale." Luke greets us. Smauel looks like he's gonna punch something. "I'll catch ya later, Cheyanne." He growls, spinning on his heel and stalking down the hallway. 

I turn to follow him but Luke's arm dashes out and takes my upperarm. I bite my lip and muffle a squeal, but the look in my eye says it all. Luke instantly let's go. "Sorry," He sighs, looking away. I shake my head, causing my ponytail to slap me a couple times in the face.

I start walking away again, thinking I was free from Luke. I hear his footsteps follow me. I groan and continue to my locker. Once there, I get everything ready for my next period. Judging from the clock on the wall across the hall, the bell was going to ring soon. 

I close my locker and walk to the History pod. The bell rings and the stream of kids pool out of the classrooms, like salmon making their way upstream. Why was this school heavily populated? I walk in, shoving past broad shoulders, skinny waists, and poking binders. I take my usual seat in the back right corner. To my delight, Luke sits angrily down in the middle, claiming seats for his three friends.

Another surprise, a good one, makes history more bearable. Samuel has just walked in, claiming the seat next to mine.


It's short isn't it? Comments and votes are appreciated.

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