Chapter Ten

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My plan was to get to class. Unfourtanetly, Luke was at my side and let's say that Luke was very persuasive into ditching.

That's right. I was skipping class.

I have always debated skipping classes I wasn't fond of, but then the automated voice would call my house and Logan and Margret would be waiting for me the second I got home, ready to strike, like copperhead snakes me and my father encountered on a hike once.

But like I afore mentioned, Luke was very persuasive and I found myself sneaking out a side door into the chilly air. Luke's hand was pulling me along and it felt warm and inviting and yes, I liked how it felt in my own. The butterflies were flapping their wings at full speed in my stomach.

He didn't let go, not until he stopped in front of his car. He urged me in. "How does it feel like, skipping?" He asked in his Aussie accent I was starting to love. "How did you know I never skipped?" I asked. Luke's laugh rang through out the car. "Chey, dear, you've never heard of Blink-182. That is a clear sign of someone who has not lived their life to the fullest."

I scoff and look out the window as he pulls out of the school's parking lot. Oh my gosh, I was actually skipping school. I squirmed a bit in my seat and Luke reached out and tucked my small hand in his.

I blushed and slipped it out from his.

Luke laughed again. Someone was feeling very joyous, despite the fact that they just got in a fight and was still bleeding from his knuckles and his upperlips had a dried up trail of blood from his nose. I rummaged around in my bag and pulled out a kleenex and my germ-x. "Pull the car over," I say. "Why?" He asks, looking at me, but pulling over into a shopping center anyways.

He stopped the car and you reached out for his hands. "You just rejected my hand and now you want them?" he teases. I squirted some of the liquid onto the tissue and took one of his hands in mine. "It's gonna sting," I warned.

I rubbed the kleenex over his knuckles ad he winced a little. "Ow!" I continue over onto the other hand and leave the open wounds clean. Luke is still right next to me (as much as he can be in a car) when I look up. His face is right there and I lift the soiled kleenex weakly. "Do you want me to...?" I trail off because those eyes were boring into me and I was weak.

Luke shifts his head down slightly and I press the tissue under his nose. "Don't breathe it in." I whisper, because it felt like a time to be whispering. I wipe the blood away quickly and toss the tissue in my bag for disposal later.

"Cheyanne?" Luke asks quietly. "Hmm?" I look up and he's right there, an uncomfortable distance away. But not so much uncomfortable as sexual tension. I swear it. He is literally leaning on the middle console, almost completely in my seat. All I could stare at was his mouth. Those lips. That piercing. Goodness, I was completely gone.

Luke slanted his head down and his lips molded against mine. I gasped, but quickly recovered. I hadn't known I wanted this for so long. My hands were quick too tangle themselves hungrily in Luke's hair. I pulled him towards me, his chest flush against mine. I was greedy for him.

Meanwhile, his lips were doing wonders on my own. Let me tell you, the ring made everything better. All my dreams were coming true. His hands were clamped on my sides, bunching my t-shirt in his fists. One of the hands rose up my side, stopping and cupping the back of my neck in his hand.

I wanted him so bad and it took all my control not to crawl across the car and straddle him, having my way with right then and there. "Chey." He moaned into my mouth, all hot and bothered.

"Luke," I reciprocated.

Luke kissed me softly once, twice, three times and then he let me go. I was sorta reaching for him when he laid back in his seat. I closed my eyes and took yoga breaths, fisting my hands over my eyes.

"Thank you." He said. "For being my nurse."

I could only nod.

He turned the ignition and pulled the car out of Chipotle's parking lot. I didn't see where we went, I had my eyes closed the whole ride, only opening them when we were finally stopped.

We were at my house.

I glanced at the clock on the dashboard and noticed it was only 8:45. Soon, first period would be over. That all seemed like a long time ago. "Do. Do you wanna come in?" I ask, the first to break the silence. Luke turned the car off. "Would that be a good idea?" He asked.

"Why? We can watch TV. Or do whatever normal people, not like me, do when they're skipping school." I say. "What did you wanna do?" Luke just shook his head. We went inside, after I made sure no one was home.

I led him to the living room, cleaning a path on the floor. Logan's beer bottles and cans were strewn all over the floor. "Sorry, my stepdad is really messy." I apologize, dumping the arm load into the garbage can in the kitchen.

"It's all good, mate." Luke says in the living room, where he has situated himself on the couch.

I grab some bags of chips and meet him there.

He has on some show I'm not familiar with and reaches for some chips. I sit next to him, in the corner of the couch, pressing myself to the arm rest. After the episode in the car, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my hands off him.

Spoiler alert: I don't.

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