Part 1

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When I hopped out of the truck and started to walk into the funeral home, I knew it was gonna be a rough day, for the whole gang. I was in my best looking clothes, a nice dress shirt and my nicest looking jeans. As I walked into the building, lots of people greeted me. Some I have never seen, and some I've known for a long time. I knew right when I walked in that Johnny's parents weren't gonna show. Man, I don't get how anyone can be so cruel.

I've never been to a funeral besides mom and dads. Mom and dads funeral was nice and peaceful. This funeral was weird. So many people showed. So many people were shaking my hand, and talking to me like they'd known me my whole life.  But, I've never meet almost everyone who showed, besides the gang and their family. So many people were talking to me, expecting me to know what happened in every detail. I was starting to get dizzy, and I wasn't feeling too hot. I think Darry could tell because after a while he stepped in saying that I've had enough for the day. I remember having to look into open caskets, with Dallas in a black casket, and Johnny in a dark blue one. I remember seeing their lifeless bodies lying there. I remember thinking, "this is all my fault. If I wouldn't have dragged Johnny to the park after Darry pushed me, he wouldn't have had to kill that Soc. It's all my fault. Johnny wouldn't be dead, Dallas wouldn't be either. What have I done."

After a while of everybody mourning, and praying, and talking, the usual stuff people do at funerals, the workers had to take the caskets away. We had to follow them to the graveyard, to watch Johnny and Dal be buried. I remember a priest telling prayers, as the men placed the caskets into their graves, with headstones marked as their own. The funeral is gonna be hella expensive. But they deserve it. At least Johnny does. For what he's been through. I remember the men picking up shovels and starting to fill the holes with dirt. Everything went way too fast, I don't quite remember what happened after that. But the car ride home was a longest car ride ever. I don't really know why, it was only a 15 minute drive. But I was thinking to myself, "why wasn't I crying, Sodapop was, hell even Two-Bit was. Why wasn't I? Was I too guilty because I was the one who caused them to die? No! I gotta get that out of my head!" And the last thing I remember was Soda yelling at me to stop, stop what? Then, darkness...

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