Part 6

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Pony's P.O.V

The gang meet us in the lot, and we started our way to the drive in. Two-bit started to horse around, I think he is drunk... Like usual so it doesn't surprise me. Steve and Soda were walking, and Darry and I walked next to each other. We didn't talk, but we walked. This was the night, where I missed Johnny the most. It felt weird, since Johnny and Dal died, everybody sort of split up... Steve and Soda, Two-Bit is ok on his own, well because, he's Two-Bit, but then me and Darry are stuck with each other. It's not bad, it's just weird because of the last argument we had. He doesn't act they way he used to. He acts like I'm too fragile. But I don't mind, just as long as we are not arguing or anything, I'm ok.

We were walking for about 10 minutes, then we arrived to the drive in. The movie was about to start, and I was breaking out in a nervous sweet. Why was I so scared of horror movies? We sat down in front of the condescension stands, and you won't believe who I saw, the one and only Cherry Valence. She was there with Marcia, as usual. I guess she didn't see me, because she didn't wave or anything. I'm glad she didn't see me, because of what happened at school. I walked out of the gym locker room to go to P. E., she was over with her cheerleading group, so I went over to say hi. When I said hi, she gave me a dirty look, and walked away. Later in the day, I saw her in the hallway, she looked at me and walked toward me, when she was in front of me, I said "how are you doin Cherry?" And she handed me a piece of paper, then she walked away. I went to my 4th period, and opened the piece of paper. It read:
"Dear Ponyboy,
I'm sorry to write this to you, but if you see me in school, and I don't say hi, I'm sorry, just don't take it personal. Your a very nice boy and all, it's just..." And the rest was torn off. My face went pale when I read that letter, and I had a huge rage against her ever since then. When I saw her at the drive in, I just kept my own businesses. Two-Bit on the other hand... He had to walk right up to her. I don't know what he said but he walked back over to our seats laughing. I just sat in silence through about 2/3rds of the movie. I hate horror movies, the suspenseful music and, I don't know how to explain it, I just don't like 'em. Then, I saw Cherry get up, walk over to some Soc guys, talk to them for about a minute, then walked back to her seat. I wasn't concerned, because the only damage she was able to do was tell her guy friends to jump us. I didn't care though, I had the gang, and the gang had me. After the movie, we started on our way home, and I just felt weird. Almost like someone was watching.

The Aftermath Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora