Part 5

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Pony's P.O.V

Once those words slipped out of my mouth, everything was coming back. And I mean everything. I remember watching Dallas crumble to the ground after the fuzz shot him, I remember the night we went to the movies and meet Cherry and Marcia. I remember when I was five and got my first bike. I remember mom and dads funeral... I remember everything. And I think Soda could tell because he was hugging me every so tightly, sobbing on my shoulder, saying that he couldn't stand to lose me too. We were parked in the hospitals parking lot. When Soda let me go. "We should probably take him inside just in case anything else happens." Darry said. "Alright" I agreed.

The only thing I really heard the doctor say was something do to with me being in shock. I guess I just couldn't handle my thoughts... So I tried to drown them out with the banging.

When we got home, I went straight to bed. "Pony, you've been asleep for the past 3 days, why are you going back to bed?" Soda stopped me, and grinned at me. "The gangs coming over, we were thinking of going to the movies." Soda's smile sure is amazing. "Wait, but I thought you hated the movies? Darry too." I respond. It was true. Soda couldn't sit still through a movie, and it bored Darry to death, "Yeah, but we thought to enjoy it just for you." I smiled the biggest smile ever, "Thanks guys! What are we gonna see?" Sodas eyes lit up, and smiled a unfamiliar smile... "Psycho" I looked at Darry "Ain't that the scary one?" I said, kind of nervous. To be honest, I hate scary movies. "Yep!" And I chuckled nervously. "Sounds great!" Boy, this is gonna be a long night. And I was right.

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