Part 10

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Pony's P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital room. I looked around and the room was very dark, and I was alone. Memories came flashing back, how the Soc had that gun to my head, how my elbow hurt.... I tried to move my arm, but I couldn't. Is... My arm, in a cast? I couldn't move it... Huh. I guess that's why my arm hurt so badly. I broke it when I fell. I called out for Soda, and Darry. Then a nurse walked in, "Hey, you're awake!" She said while turning on the lights. "Your brothers have been waiting to see you, I'll go get them" She then left. I looked at my cast, jeez, I wonder how long I have to be in this cast. Darry walked in first, then Soda. Darry seemed to be limping a little, and Soda looked green. "Hey Pony!" Soda said. "How you feeling?" Darry asked. "Does your arm hurt??" Soda quickly said after Darry. "Woah, slow down." I demanded. "Sorry," Soda smiled, his smile always made me feel better... "You had to go under surgery for that elbow, you messed it up pretty bad." Darry stated. "Hurt really bad too." I said quietly.  "Well, let's get you home, little buddy." Darry never calls me that, he always calls Soda little buddy... Soda left to get the nurse. A few minutes later, he came back with her, "Alright, you're free to go, just take some pain pills if it hurts." She told me. "Alright." And we walked out of the hospital. Once I got home, and once my head hit my pillow, I was out like a light.


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