The meeting

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My nameis Jessy, all i spend my dad doing is: SLEEPING EATING DRINKING YOUTUBE- Mr Marcus Butler to be more into what i do.Oh yeah i have friends... i know i actually socialise :O Anyway me and my friends are in London today, shopping spree much. My friends are Rebecca, Rachel, Bethany, Abbie, Kiera , Marianne, Samantha ect. anyway we are in the middle of a street, yea we are lost :L

'Oi guys, where the fuck are we?' i yelled sucessfully getting weird looks.

'ahahahahahah shit, guess what? We are in... LONDON!' Marianne said sarcastically

'no seriously guys i thi-' i got stopped as i walked into someone

'WATCH THE FUCK YOU ARE GOING YOU FUCKING COCK SUCKER YOU WALKED INTO ME YOU TWATISH IDIOTIC SELFCENTRED TWAT!' I yelled earning my friends to go into histerics at me. yeah cheers guys

'omg i am so sorry' this lad replied

'omfg you are you are you are the the MARCUS BUTLER' i yelped out once i looked up. he chuckled

'erm yeah.. well i guess you know who i am... its kind of rude i don't know you, whats your name?' he asked

'OOO GET IN THERE JESSY, I HAVE CONDOMS IF YA NEED' Becky screamed, yea very sexual and very weird and who wouldn't like to know her

'Shurrup Becky, and hi i'm Jessy obvs as you can tell as she just said my name' i  replied awkwardly

'Lovely name anyway heres my number: 07864508919 text me im so sorry but i have to go, and still sorry for my twatish behaviour' he mimicked

i typed his number into my phone and for the rest of the day i couldn't stop think about him. Well until Rachel called me a cock blocker. i mean out of anyone she called me a cock blocker :O how rude! she obvs doesn't know me

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