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'Children now now stop flirting' Kiera randomly outbursted with. I swear this girl doesn't know when to be quite  weirdo

'Get a bedroom... oh look we are in a hotel get a room' Marianne and Rachel said. Omfg my friends will be the death of me how embarassing

'So then Jesy what you doing? Well should i say where you going?' Marcus asked

'Night out i believe' i said without hesitation

'Soundsfun im in' He winked

holy fuck holy fuck he is coming. Do not drinking,jee omfg lets not get drunk be careful, he's fucking fit i would suck him til hes dry. Dam don't think that...stop that no no. I looked at my friends giving them a worried look they read my face

'Jesy do not drink tonight' samantha said with a smile on her face. scheming plan oh shit,this isnt good she will scheme and it will be evil to me.

'Erm okay' i sounded worried... who wouldn't though there is a plan going on. i dont like this it isn't fair someone else. As i went to walk out of the hotel with everyone Marcus grabbed my hand, so our hands were perfectly intertwined. His hands we were and started to get clammy... something tells me he might be a bit nervous i couldn't blame him his presence just makes me melt... obvious i wasnt going to tell him that. Omfg he is such a babe, instead of me walking he picked me up. As soon as he touched  my body, i started tinggling it felt so right and he sent butterflies in my stomach i never felt like this before. i think i may fancy him

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