Chapter 2: A Glance into the Future

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My footsteps echoed as I walked through a dark and old hallway. The walls were made of crumbling stone bricks. I couldn't see a yard in front of me, and everything behind me just kept fading away as I continued. The reason for this was mist. A dark haze surrounded me, and wherever I looked, it swirled into view. But somehow, I knew which way to go. The hallways kept branching out, and I walked through them in a pattern no human brain could memorize without spending hours on it. I walked and walked, hearing erie sounds every so often.

After what seemed like an eternity, I reached a massive set of double doors. Curious, I reached out and took the handle of one of the doors. I pushed, and slowly, the door creaked open. I stepped in, to be greeted by the sound of a mysterious tune being played on... An organ. Curiosity got the best of me and I dashed up the steep and crumbling steps. As I ascended, a low voice filled my head. "You stand no chance against me. Come back when you have grown stronger." Unfortunately, I made the bad decision of ignoring the voice. Within minutes, I had reached a second set of double doors. I was out of breath, but I couldn't stop now. I pushed the doors open with lots of effort, and stumbled inside. I looked around me. Suddenly, the mist in front of me broke apart, revealing a tall man with greenish skin and blazing red hair. Before I knew it, I was on the cold ground, gasping for air, the corners of my vision blackening. "I warned you." Were the last words I heard before blacking out completely.
     I rapidly shot up out of a laying position into a sitting position, a cold sweat pouring down me. I gasped and looked at my surroundings. I was sitting on a thick black blanket, and half of me was covered by a thinner white blanket. The blanket was on grass. I looked up and saw that I was under a piece of cloth that was shaped triangularly. A tent. I thought. Opposite from me hung a lamp and a new and shiny sword along with a finely crafted bow and quiver that I could see was stocked with arrows. I saw a note attached to the quiver so I got up and grabbed it. On the note, it said: You'll need these to protect yourself. And don't worry, we have loads of these so giving them to you isn't like giving away half out fortune.
Well then. At least I have weapons now. On the grass on next to my "bed" were my trusty leather boots as well as my leather gauntlets with sapphires with a gold borders on them. I pulled them on. I was already wearing my black pants and white shirt, so all I needed to complete the outfit was the dark blue cloak given to me by Impa, which I spotted on a hook by the entrance. I pulled it on and put the hood over my head. Finally, I have placed the bow and arrow under the cloak, and the sword on my back.

     Then I realized that I had no idea where I was, who I was with, and why I was here. Memories of the past few days flowed into my mind. I remembered Anton, my brother being attacked by a monster. I remembered running through Faron Woods. I remembered being attacked the red monsters and being saved by two figures with gold and black hair. I thought about everything, including the dream I just witnessed. I wondered what it meant. A castle, and a man attacking me. That's all I remembered. But who brought me to this tent now? Thousands of questions filled my head and I groaned. I'd figure this all out later.

     I threw open the flap that separated me from the outside world, realizing that it was night. I looked at my surroundings. There were more tents and a fire blazing in the center. I saw a plate of fresh, uneaten food by the campfire and wolfed it down, hoping nobody needed it. I sat by the fire, thinking about all my questions and slowly drifting to sleep. I curled up, and closed my eyes, losing my consciousness more and more every second that passed.

     A/N: Chapter Two is finally out! Sorry for not updating in FOREVER. Well I'm back now, and I'll try to update more often. Even though I'll probably end up saying the same thing at the end of every chapter. Sorry guys. Anyway, now you know part of the reason why the book is called "Silence in the Mist". (Refer to dream section) Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! See you in the next one! Peace out. ~Lina 🐱

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