Chapter 4: The First Mission

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     I plopped down onto my sleeping bag and curled up into a position where I was hugging my knees, and my head was tucked in. I groaned. It had been a week since Link and I had the "test" to determine how much training I needed. How much training did I need? Well, a lot. For the past 7 days, I had been practicing for nearly 10 hours a day. It was a nightmare. On the bright side, I was better with swordplay now, and Link was a bit lighter towards me. I also discovered something I never knew before, I could change my appearance. Now, I know, I know. The fact was kinda sudden. Well, I can only change the color of my hair and eyes. Nothing else. Our training consisted of of swordplay, archery, horseback riding, and using different weapons such as the hookshot and boomerang. Some of the time we spent training consisted of learning to use magic. Well, teaching myself to do magic. I clearly didn't have as much magic as some others. 

    Our long course of daily training had just ended for that day. I was going to give out any second now. Link told me to meet him in the east woods in half an hour. I didn't at all want to. I just wanted to go home. I also was extremely worried for my brother. I hadn't seen Anton in a week. Surely he would've found our hideout by now. I glanced up at the clock, which read 7:23. 7 more minutes. I sighed in exasperation.

     Time passed slowly. There was nothing to do. Evan and Denton were in their  tents, and I didn't want to anger Link by coming early. If I slept, Link would be furious. I always thought of him as a kind, brave hero who gave advice. Not a mean person who both mentally and physically tortured his "students". 7:29. I stood up and tossed my cape on, retrieving my weapons and stepping out of the tent. I glanced around. Evan and Denton were nowhere in sight. I sighed. Sprinted towards the east woods, I felt the cool breeze on my face. I stopped where Link told me to meet him. "You're late." He exclaimed, with an expressionless face. 

     "By one minute!" I cried. "Is it really that big of a deal, master?"  I asked, angry at him making such a big deal about something so small.

     "Don't you dare speak to me like that." He said in a menacing tone. I rapidly nodded, hoping he wouldn't do anything bad to me. "Anyways," he continued. "Since we've gone through a full week of training, I'm sending you on a mission to prove that you're worthy of our team. Got all that?" 

     "Yeah." I replied.

     "Your mission is as follows." he continued. I listened. "You are to go to the Gerudo desert and venture to their fortress. Sneak into the throne room and steal a gem from Lord Ganondorf's throne." I gasped, then nodded. "You are to come back by tomorrow at noon. You can take Epona, and this." He said, holding out a leather satchel. "It has no bottom. You can put anything in it. Accept it as a reward for working so hard." For the first time, he smiled at me and held out his hand for me to shake. I grasped it and shook it. 

      "Understood. Thanks you, Link. I'll make you proud," I said with a small bow. "Alright. You're off, Sky. Good luck." I nodded and mounted Epona. On command, Epona cantered off, speeding up to a gallop. I wouldn't fail this. No way.


     Vote, comment, and have a nice day! ~Lina

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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