Chapter 3: New Comrades

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     "--trust her?"
That was the first thing I heard when I woke up. Curious, I kept listening,
     "Well, we don't know until he arrives." said a different voice. What were are they talking about? I thought. And who are they?

     The voices continued. 
     "Yes, okay. And he should be coming in 45 minutes?"
     "Hmm. Well, we better wake the girl up if that is so."

     Then everything came rushing back. Last night, I had fallen asleep here, after eating a plateful of food.. It must have been really late.

Out of nowhere, I felt somebody shake my shoulder.
     "Wake up!" A voice hissed.
Slowly, I opened my eyes. In above me were two pairs of eyes. One, a bright green, with some blue in them, and the other, bright red eyes, the color of blood. My vision cleared up, and the two came into focus. I saw two boys.

Green eyed boy looked around my age, maybe a bit older. His hair was a sandy blond color, and it almost covered one eye. He had skin that was a perfect color with a bit of a tan. He had an attractive smirk on his face as he looked me in the eyes. He was wearing an outfit strangely similar to mine. My outfit was a white shirt, black pants, and brown leather boots with a blue gem on each of the boots. To complete the outfit, I had a deep blue cape that I always had around my shoulders. On the other hand, the boy's cape was a greenish blue, and he was wearing silver shoulder plates with blue-green gems in them. He wore matching gauntlets and a chestplate. Other than that, his outfit was identical to mine.

Next to him, stood red eyed boy. This one looked a bit younger than me. He had jet black hair with a bit of red in it. His skin was so pale, it looked almost white. He wore the same outfit as Green Eyes, but the blue-green features were a deep maroon, almost black. We all had capes.. Blue, Blue-Green, and maroon. I shivered. That was a bit odd..

"Well?" Blondie said, still smirking. "You gonna introduce yourself?"
"Give her time, Evan." Said Red Eyed boy.
"Whatever you say, master." Said this so called Evan.
"Don't-call-me-that!!" Red Eyes said. "Sorry about him." He said. "He's a jerk. I'm Denton Mizushi. That over there is my annoying older brother, Evan Mizushi." Said Denton, pointing to Evan. Before I could respond, Evan said, "Hey!! That was my line!!"
I giggled a bit and then said, "I'm Skyla Grace. Most people call my Sky tho-- wait. You two are BROTHERS?!" I asked. They looked completely different.
"We get that a lot." Said Evan with a sigh. "Yes, we are brothers. Got a problem with that?"
"No, it's just that.. Ah, never mind."
Evan shrugged. "Well, we should be greeted by--" he was cut off by the sound of galloping hooves getting closer and closer to the tents.
"Sky!" Denton said. "Get into your tent! He's come early!"
I made a run for the tent and slid inside when I got close enough. My head felt like it was exploding with questions. Who was he? And why did I have to wait in my tent for him? I groaned and plopped down on the fluffy blanket below me. I sat there, tapping my foot. I just couldn't sit still. Soon enough, I heard the voices of Evan and Denton outside along with another, deeper voice, but I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
     After a few minutes of me hearing muffled voices, I heard one clear word pierce through the air.
     A blond head with a pair of green eyes stuck his head into my tent.
"We have a...visitor, er, uh, comrade here, I'd like to introduce you to." Said Evan.
"C'mon, let's go." 

     I got up, grumbling, and brushed off the dirt and grass that covered me. I stretched and stepped outside. My eyes widened as I saw what was in front of me. It was a majestic chocolatey brown mare with a white mane and tail. Mounted on the horse was pretty much the person I'd least expected to see.

     "L-Link... the H-Hero of T-Time..." I stuttered.                                                                                                                                                                       "Yes." He said. "Now get over here." He said, pointing to the ground in front of him. I flinched. I wasn't expecting the Hero of Time to be so... strict. Evan shot me an apologetic look and unnoticeably inched toward me. Once he was within earshot, he whispered, "he'll act, uh, nicer, once he gets used to you." I nodded when Link looked down at the ground where he was pointing. I walked toward him, taking in the details. He looked about 18 years old, the same as my brother. I coughed when I thought of him. 

     Link sized me up. "Long legs...good for running...more on the puny side..." I clenched my right fist but Evan beat me. "Hey man," He started. "I know you've gotta do calculations for training and all, but could you please keep those thoughts to yourself? She's not puny!!"

"I said on the puny side, not plain puny." Link countered. "Well, I know she needs training." It was my turn to speak now. "Training?!"   I cried. "I've known you," I said, pointing to Evan and Denton, "for less than 15 minutes! And you," I spat, pointing to Link, "Less than FIVE MINUTES!!! Why would I EVER want to train with YOU?" 

     "If you don't wanna die." Said Link, with a shrug. "FINE!" I shrieked. I took a deep breath. sorry, I lost my temper." 

" Of course." Said Link, with a smirk. All I wanted was to slap that smirk of his face and see what would happen. But I restrained myself from doing so. "Alright." Link continued. "Before we begin your training, I need to test you."

     Five minutes later, I was geared up in my same outfit, but with things added. I wore a pair of golden gauntlets and shoulder pads, as well as a chestplate that came down to right below my ribs. all of these were decorated with bright blue jewels. In my right hand, a held an iron sword with a golden grip, and a bright blue gem in the middle, just like my armor. This was my "test". To fight Link. I the distance, I heard, "THREE! TWO! ONE! FIGHT!!!" I charged toward Link, sword in hand, and tried to stab, but he easily blocked my attack. He slashed towards my chest, but I leaped out of the way just in time, so the sword grazed my arm instead. I wouldn't let that stop me. I sent a fury of slashes toward him, which stunned him for a moment, giving me enough time to create a cut in his shoulder. He growled in frustration, telling me that I was as good as dead. He leaped around me so that he was facing my side, and before I had time to process anything, he rolled behind me and slashed. I dropped to my knees, in pain, and whimpered, "Y-You win.."

     "Interesting.." he said, casually strolling around me in circles. He acted perfectly normal, as though I wasn't bleeding, really badly. "Better as I expected, but you still need practice." He concluded. I guess you could say that that was the start of a brand new life with some brand new people.


Hey Guys! Sorry  haven't updated this in a while. Well, here you go! A new chapter. Kinda longish for you guys. Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all in the next chapter! Gooooooood Bye!!

~Lina (=^. .^=)

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