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In the beginning, there was a sanctuary where all mystical and magical beings lived in peace. Among these beings were the rumored start of our race, Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden was the perfect haven, unless you are to mess with the forbidden fruit. A solitary apple trees sat at the middle of the Garden of Eden, it provided the shield to keep out all of the unwanted creatures out. To have such a peaceful place there had to be something to counterbalance the tranquility.

Adam and Eve were different from the rest of the humans in the world beyond Eden, they were the only two with the capability of having six senses. Their sixth sense would enhance something about them to allow survival. The Garden of Eden was full of creatures with magical abilities.

Sounds of happiness rang through Eden the day it was announced, Adam and Eve were about to have a child. It was to be the first baby born in Eden, and the world. But Eve began having cravings, and day-by-day the forbidden fruit seemed to call her to her. Adam and the rest of the creatures were scared what would happen if she ate the fruit, so they kept her from. All except one snake-like creature called a gorgon, the creature persisted trying to trick Eve to eat a single apple. And one night, while everyone else was sleeping, the Gorgon won.

As a bite was taken, the apple tree instantly started wilting. As the rot hit the roots of the tree it ran through the grass and quickly spread around Eden. While the rot spread the remaining creatures awoke, terrified. Adam took Eve’s side knowing this would probably be the end. It snatched and froze the creatures, turning them into statues. Adam and Eve held each other close as it approached them. Clinging with their lives, the rot had surrounded them, and stopped. Everything the rot had consumed instantly shattered and turned to sand.

Within the coming days, the soul survivors of the Eden continued through a raging desert, until the child was born. The child was named Sahara, the first seventh sense, rumored to be the only reason why Adam and Eve survive the downfall of the Eden. Adam and Eve ended up going their separate ways, mingling with the other humans and passing along the sixth sense. Meanwhile no one knows what happened to Sahara, and the first and last seventh sense vanished without a trace.

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