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Sitting in my room I loved just relaxing listening to the water race around the room. It was so tranquil and helped me think; though I still haven't talked to anyone besides Beau, I felt like I could truly make this place my home. I could see myself here growing up happily, not scared of what I can do to everyone else, not running from anyone. Just living peacefully for as long as I can. A part of my stomach dropped when I thought about staying here, about living here, something was going to happen wasn't it?

"Paisley could you come and join us?" I heard Nora call me.

Rushed out of my dream world I walked out of my wonder room and made my way through the maze of hallways outside where everyone else was taking turns hugging a man who was crouched down. "Paisley this is my brother Charles, he lives outside the barrier to work and to set up a cover to where we are."

"Hell Paisley," The man stood with Mina still clinging off of his arm. "I hope you've been happy here."

"Been?" I couldn't stop myself before I asked.

A small glimmer of joy danced over Nora's eyes at the first word she heard from me. "There's something I need to talk to all of you about. Happy news that I hope you all will take up."

I looked around to everyone else who was just as confused as I was. Nora wrapped her arm around my shoulders and led us all towards the lake. "You made me very happy Paisley, I know you're shy but I hope you are able to talk to the others as friends." Nora smiled to me.

"Nora, should we be worried?" Brittany raised her eyebrow.

"Nothing you all should be scared about, this is happy news, great news." Nora smiled as she spun and sat down on the ground. One by one I watched everyone sit down with her in a large circle.

"Come on Paisley, you can sit by me." Beau tapped the ground next to him.

I sat down quickly as we all just looked to Nora who was beaming with excitement. "Charles has brought a letter that will bring you all a wonderful future! There is a special academy just for sixth senses to raise them from children to not only just get you ready for the rest of your life, but learn your abilities so you will be able to grow into adults who can live without hiding. This academy promises also to set your future and they'll pay for you to go to college upon your graduation, wherever your dreams take you!"

I could see a mix of excitement and concern going around the circle as everyone just looked to Nora. "This is a new program and the people running it have personally contacted me so that you would be the first going followed by other foster homes for sixth senses. All of you will be going and meeting other people just like you, maybe some with the same abilities. You'll make new friends and anyone else any of us foster homes find will join you as soon as they can. This is a great opportunity and all of you will be perfectly safe as if you were still hidden under the barrier."

"What's the catch to all of this?" Beau asked, the rest of us just starred as Nora fought to stay happy.

"The only catch is the academy is like a boarding school and you will have live there on campus so you will no longer be living here." Nora's heart fought to cry as she looked at all the sad faces around her, no one wanted to leave. I hadn't even been here long and I don't want to leave. "I know it's not what some of you want but it is the best way for you to have a great life. You've all been accepted and the bus will be coming to the barrier to fetch you tomorrow. You have the rest of today to pack before you all leave." One tear fought passed Nora's defenses and showed how sad she truly was.

Mina was the first to start crying as she jumped into Nora's arms. They cried together as everyone started to show their sadness. All except me, they must think me as emotionless but I've lived everyday hiding my abilities but they're powered by emotion. I built a wall and it holds back all emotion to keep people safe from me. "You all should go start packing, I'll be in to help you all soon. Please just go and give me a minute." Mora's voice wavered as she closed her eyes so she wouldn't look at any of us.

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