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We all stood outside packed with bags to bring with us to our new homes, I had the least to bring but the most amount of tears to bring with me while everyone else already stood dry. I was able to mask my cuts with some concealer that I had found left in my room maybe from an old occupant or currently leaving resident; no matter what the story was it saved me from an even more emotional Nora from fretting over more than just leaving her care. When she said goodbye to each of us individually her tears seemed like they would never end, as if she had an endless well that wouldn't run dry.

"Nora, we have to go." Beau placed a comforting hand to her shoulder. Nora turned from hugging Mina and stood to face Beau, her face puffy and red already; she must've been crying all night long. A tear escaped Beau's blind eyes as he pulled Nora into his chest and tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry, we will all write to you as often as we get the chance. We'll take care of each other." His voice was so caring and sympathetic. "Nora you have done everything in your power to protect us until this day, but now other kids out there need your help and they're waiting to find someone like you to be able to save them and help them understand who they are. Just look at Paisley, she just got here as a scared foster child who abandoned all hope of a future," his words stung my heart as I knew he was right, "but look at her now. She's standing tall and if you haven't seen I can tell that her eyes have changed. You have gotten us all to believe in ourselves and accept who we are, to change our eyes. You did that, we all have a future that we aren't scared of anymore because of you. Don't shed anymore tears over us leaving, the only tears we want you to shed is the happiness you have gave to all of us and the lives we are going to prosper through. This isn't goodbye, this is thank you."

His words were so powerful and strong that it hit everyone of our hearts, Nora was smiling in such delight as she overlooked all of us. Each one bright royal blue eyes starring back to hers,her sad tears warmed as she thought about every single one of us. She gleamed showing pride to everyone as she knew that Beau's words were true. "I've cared for all of you as I have sworn to do so, all the while I never saw how much you have all grown so much and no longer need my protecting. I wish you all the best for your futures and hope they all bring much happiness to all of your lives. Pardon me for not helping you load your things into the bus but I must go." Nora quickly shuffled away from us, wiping tears from her eyes she disappeared back behind the barrier. Though we could not see her we could hear her cries only coming through as a silent echo .

"This way please, we will have your things loaded up just please make your way into the bus so we shall keep going." The bus driver approached us with a smile. His brown eyes showed that he wasn't one of us but he didn't seem to be surprised when Nora disappeared or through any of our talking. What exactly is he?

"Paisley, stop staring at the hot bus driver and let's move!" Brittany pulled at my arm. Her cheeks were red as fire as she gazed at him. I let out a small chuckled seeing the look in her eyes, please say this isn't the way that I look when I talk to Beau. "Paisley are you coming?" She spun around careful to whip her hair attractively, yet the bus driver was too busy handling bags to notice her. He rarely seemed to notice any of us, like he didn't want to look at us.His eyes never met ours and he was careful to duck out of our way, was he scared of us?

"Paisley come on," Beau took my hand and led me onto the bus. It was hot and stingy, filled with other kids who were blasting around their abilities freely, not afraid who they were. A few of them shared the same royal blue eyes, those who did sat uneasily in their seats curious watching each of us that entered.

My attention faltered as a ball that had been bounced around smashed against my face. Stunned I gripped the side of a seat helping me not to fall. Scores of laughter rotate through the bus as they all were looking at me, great first impression Paisley. A hand reached and pulled me up, a small girl at the other side of it with a smile as large as she could make it. "You can sit with me if you'd wish." Her voice was so soft and sweet, her light blue eyes beautiful shining in the sunlight that poured in through the windows. She scooched over and made space for me as her smile never twitched, what was she so happy about? "You don't remember me do you?" She shook her head lightly with a brief laugh.

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