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The bus was dead silent, all the masks stayed to the front with their guns and blood stained clothes. Others like Courtney eventually ran out of tears to shed but their eyes clung to the sadness that immersed their souls and hung them in a noose of depression. No one had hope, we were all lucky to be alive on this bus, but why us? Why did the masks only want royal blue eyes, those of us who've accepted ourselves?

Beau was making his rounds to everyone making sure they were okay, not able to see the agony their faces held gave him the strength to console the injured souls. Mina slept safely in None of the rest of us could sleep, red eyes and dried tears, it wasn't likely we would sleep again until the bus would stop. It had felt like days being in the bus, they lowered every blind so we couldn't see where we were going. Some eyes pleaded for death, as if they were waiting to pull over and have the next group of unnecessaries dragged out and murdered. The thought clung to the back of my mind making me shiver, Beau must've felt it and returned to my side. Taking my hand in his allowed me to lay my head on his shoulder, I know he wanted me to try and get some sleep but how could I? I felt myself retreating back into my mind, as if I had never tried to speak at all, I won't ever again.

The bus shook as we dorve over something shaky but it instantly smoothed out, and Courtney shot up. Her eyes were bulging out of her head as she tried to run to the door wanting to escape. A few masks restrained her as she fought screaming, "No! Anywhere but here! Go back to the surface! Get out of here! Let me go!" She was frantic as she did everything she could as if something wild was just unleashed inside of her. One mask stood and raised his gun, slamming the butt of the gun against her head Courtney's flailing body dropped to the floor. A few picked up her living corpse and threw it onto a seat in the back, everyone just shrunk don in fear. We were all afraid of them, terrified was more like it.

"She's could tell as soon as we entered, what does that mean? Do you think she is the one we're looking for?" One masks whispered.

"Time and place, now shut up and remember your training." Another mask ordered.

They were trained? This was all planned? For how long? They were only looking for one person, only one of us would survive while the others most likely would end up like the rest. Beau wrapped an arm around me and whispered into my ear very softly, "Don't show them you're scared or they will have control over you. Don't show what you can do either, keep everything a secret."

I sunk back into my seat trying not to look at the masks, they remained as how they had been since we left that school. They were quiet and held their guns almost as if their lives depended on it, each of their mouths uttering some mantra over and over again, as if they were scared too. Turning away from everything I lightly placed Mina on Beau's lap and slowly inched toward Courtney. She had woken up and been lying there shaking like a lost chihuahua for minutes, I placed a hand on her head and her eyes shot into mine.She was terrified and twitched nervously. I gave her one small smile as she sat up and I wrapped my arms around her, she was completely terrified, paralyzed in her fear. Though what I couldn't understand is her eyes were directed towards the windows, not the masks. I didn't want to speak, but I wanted to know what was so horrific for her? Was it her sister, was it Brittany?

As if she could tell I was curious she whispered one word to me, "Water."

My eyes froze as I stared into her eyes, the one thing she was afraid of. Going from the rough driving to smooth and effortless, like we hadn't even been touching the ground. I stood straight up as I looked around us, I could feel it around me now. Now I understood the change, the water in my veins had warmed when Courtney flipped out, that was my connection to the water too. We were surrounded by it, we were completely underwater. Understanding the warmth it felt good to me as I looked back at Courtney, she was so scared while I felt this magic coursing through me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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