Chapter 9: Amberlynn

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"You mean, we're skipping?" Chloe asked me, a look of shock in her eyes.

"Yeah, because we need a day to just screw it, and do whatever!" I yell as I pull Chloe out of school.

I have to say, I'm surprised at myself. I don't skip school. It's not really my thing. But today, it felt nessesary. Chloe had to get out; she still didn't look that good. Sickness wise, I mean. She put her make-up on, which made me happy. At first I thought it was a waste.

 "You know," I say as we walk down the street. "We never actually went clothes shopping when we were at the mall. And, I think you need a new outfit for your date tonight." I eyed her. Her outfit wasn't bad, just not really 'date material.'

She was in a purple shirt and dark skinny jeans with some high-top black converse. Personally, I wouldn't where that anywhere, but hey, that's just me. I was more of a 'floral shirt and ballet flats' than 'dark shirt and converse.' And, whenever you see dates in the movie, they don't really wear that type of thing.

"You know," I mentioned slowly, realizing I just said that. "Something a little more... feminine and girly."

Chloe looked at me, her eyes hard. "What if I don't want to be girly?"

I raised my eyebrow. "Hey, I'm not expecting you to put on a frilly tutu and five inch heels , but I am expecting you to wear something with a little bit of a lighter color scheme," I tell her as we step on the fallen leaves.

"Good," Chloe said. "I am not going to wear a tutu."

I nodded to her, "I figured."

 Chloe stopped. "Are we going the right way? I thought the mall was that way," she said, turning and pointing behind us.

I stopped and looked back at her. "I'm pretty sure it's this way, but I might be lying to you."

Chloe shot me a look. "Well, I guess it's time for an adventure."

I giggled, extending my elbow to her. "We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "You should shut up now."

I rolled my eyes back and stuck my tongue out at her. "After I ask you a quick question."

"And that would be?" Chloe said, walking back to me and joining me.

I've been thinking about this for a while. "Why did you forgive me so easily?"

 "It's because... well... I feel like it's not worth fighting anymore. All my friends are already against each other, and so you're kind of all I have to rely on anymore. Besides," Chloe adds with a smirk, "I can't help it if you're a huge jerk sometimes!"

I let my mouth slip into an 'o'. "That's not very nice," I said in a disapproving tone.

"You're not very nice!" Chloe shouted theatrically, stepping back and pointing at me.

"Well then!" I yelled back. I stuck my tongue out in a very childlike manner and started walking faster. "You'll never catch me!"

"Oh yes I will!" Chloe retorted, chasing after me.

It's on, I thought. I was the track star, after all.

I saw the mall, just another 500 meters or so. I pushed myself as hard as a could, my feet echoing off the sidewalk. I was at the mall in about 3 minutes. I collapsed on the ground, breathing hard.

Running was the best feeling in the world. You felt like you could just go for days and days, lost in your own little mind, racing as fast as you can. The world whips by you quickly, but you still see everything around you. Smells seem stronger, noises louder, colors brighter.

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