Chapter 15: Amberlynn

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"Flyers for the Winter Ball, our ... ball.... whatever!" Bronagh was yelling in the school entryway. She was waving her hand in the air, trying to get people to hear her. Someone pushed into her, ignoring her shouting.

"A dance?" I asked her. "Will there be a, persay, queen?"

Bronagh smiled widely. "Naturally."

I, of course, had already heard of this. I'd only been obsessing over getting the best dress since the beginning of the year. I probably have the votes-- Wait. Scratch that.

Even since the Alexi incident, I had been receiving dirty looks from all of the not-as-cool girls. And, to add to this awful day, my hair was a disaster. There was nothing I could do to get it presentable. The best I did was get it into a ponytail.

"Oh," I told her, a wicked smile on my face. "I might want one of those flyers... I mean, not that I have everything planned out already," I reassured her.

I fought through the crowded hallway and snatched a piece of paper. My eyes flickered over the words, absorbing what would be the best moment of my freshman year.

                              Attend the Winter Ball Formal, held at Brooksman High.

                              It will be Friday, December 14th

                              Come in dresses for the ladies, and tuxedoes for the men.

                              A vote will be held for the title 'Winter Queen' and 'Winter King'

                              Be safe and have fun!

Yes. My dreams of being queen had began when I was a little, maybe 6 or 7. I watched the shows where there was that perky cheerleader that always got prom queen. I didn't want to be her exactly, but I wanted that crown.

"Momma," I asked my mom, looking up at her with my young child eyes. "When do I get to be a queen?"

She would send me her warm smile. "Sweetie, you're already a princess."

"Queens are better," I would tell her, adjusting my Cinderella dress. "I want to be the best."

I looked at Bronagh, back into reality. "I'm so pumped for this dance. I will win that crown."

Bronagh chuckled. "I know you will, you want that thing so bad. If you don't get it... Well, to say it bluntly, someone's gonna die."

I smiled at her. "That, cannot be more true."


 I flicked my hand at the T.V., making the Mii  hit the tennis ball. Each time I struck the ball, I pretended it was one of my problems I was smacking away. 'Adoption' Smack! 'Chloe' Whack! 'Alexi'  With that one, it was always went the hardest.

"Why can't my life just be normal," I muttered when I won the match. If life were as easy as Wii tennis... Well, I wouldn't have too many problems.

The phone rang. I paused the game and walked over to the phone.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Amberlynn?" The voice said. "Hey, it' Stella. Alexi has been saying some interesting things about you.... and.... I'm just not sure if they're true or not."

"Stella?" I asked, betrayal stabbing me through the heart. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Stella should know what was true and what wasn't. "You don't know if they're true or not. How could you not know?"

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