Venus Academy And My Best Friend Lyric

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I tugged nervously on my long brown hair, twirling a wavy lock around my finger. It was a nervous habit of mine that I could never seem to get rid of.

Rounding the corner of the Science wing in Venus Academy, I pulled my books closer to my chest. Being around this many people always had me a little jumpy. I was one small student in a hudge private school in California named after our headmaster. We had about 4,000 students roaming the halls everyday,, and an average of about 500 others skipping.

I glanced up at the people surrounding me everyone had identical white, button up shirts, royal blue ties and blazers buttoned up by two small buttons in the front, and the girls sported gray skirts with thin white stripes creating a checkerboard while the boys wore gray slacks. The schools emblem was printed nicely in gold on each piece of clothing. We all had to purchase our own white shoes, but they still looked alike in almost every way.

The sound of the chatter vibrated as I slipped quietly unnoticed into my AP chemistry class. Before I could make it to my seat in the back, I felt my body lurch forward over a foot sticking out in the middle of the isle. Giggles erupted from behind me as my books ware scattered around the floor and I landed on my hands and knees. I winced a little as my knees came in hard contact with the linoleum floor, but didn't utter a sound.

I pushed my glasses back up my nose and scrambled to gram my books before someone snatched them or stepped all over them. I looked helplessly at my calculus folder as the contents ware scattered around carelessly.

That's going to take forever to recognize .

"Walk much white?" I cringed at the sound of her voice. Lindsey Hall. Aka the slut and queen bee of the school. She made it her personal goal to make sure every day in this school was hell for me.

I watched as a pale hand darted out in front of me and gathered up majority of my school supplies. A small grin spread across my lips as I noticed the black combat boots in my line of vision. There was only one girl in this school brave enough to break the schools dress code. "Maybe if you kept your legs shut for once your foot wouldn't be in the middle of the isle for her to Tripp over." I smothered a giggle under my hand as I grabbed lyrics hand and let her pull me up to my feet. She dragged me by my elbow back to our lab table and dropped everything down on the table top while pushing me to my seat. Dropped into her own seat and propped her legs on the black, marble table top.

"Thanks, Lyric." She simply waved a black-painted hand in my direction and shoved a blue sucker into her mouth. Pushing her purple hair back behind her ear, she let her blue eyes scan me from head to toe.

"You okay?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders while putting everything back into my folders. "Nothing I can't handle. A little bruised up knee."

"Your such a wimp." I didn't miss the smirk plastered across her black-stained lips. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm your best friend." My hand shot out to shove her playfully. "You love me."

My own green eyes scanned her body. She was the punk-Rock chick of the school; the girl no one wanted to mess with. If she wasn't one of the top four students academically in Venus academy, I would wonder why they haven't kicked her out yet. She's constantly causing trouble with other students, rarely listened to the teachers, and breaks every little rule you can with the school uniform.

"I should be asking you that same question." She stuck her pierced tongue out in my direction and waved her sucker in my face tauntingly. "I keep all the big bad bullies away."

Shaking my head, I laid out my pencil, notebook and textbook on the table and shoved everything back in my bag and dropped it to the floor. "Thanks for reminding me why I keep you around." The door to the classroom slammed shut rather loudly, snapping everything to attention as the professor strutted to the front of the room to begin a long, boring class of AP Chemistry.

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