Headmaster Venus

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"So," Lyric dropped her lunch tray down on the table and kicked my legs off of the bench to sit down next to me. "I think we should do something today. My house. You and me. Movie night." My body slumped forward and bit into my apple angrily. "I have to watch the devil tonight." Lyric sucked in a breath between her teeth, an evil smile falling into her face. "I've already given you plenty of options on how to get rid of that pest, Val."

"We're not shipping my little brother to Africa."

"Lock him in the basement with a lion?"


"Tie an anchor to his ankle and watch him float to the bottom of the lake?"


"Hide his inhaler and give him an asthma attack?"


"How abou-"

I slapped my hand over her mouth. "Shut up, Lyric." Her tongue darted out to lick the palm of my hand. I snatched it away and wiped it repeatedly on her blazer. "I'm just trying to make your life a little easier."

"Valentina White to Headmaster Venus' office, please. Valentina White to Headmaster Venus' office."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bag of from the floor. "You would think they would pronounce my name right at least once. It's not hard to comprehend that it's pronounced 'Valentena', not like 'Valentine' with and a at the end." Lyric wiggled her eyebrows "Did the good girl get in trouble?" "Not likely," I scoffed and tossed my half-eaten sandwich into the trash bin. "Unless I'm getting in trouble for staying after school yesterday In the library, I highly doubt it."

"Well, find me when you get out."

"If you don't end up in there with me by the end of lunch with a bloody Lindsey." I narrowed my eyes at her silent threat. It wouldn't be the first time. She simply shrugged and had that small glint in her eyes. "It's a possibility"

I could make my way to Headmaster Venus' office with my eyes closed. Not because I get into a lot of trouble, but because I was constantly getting dragged in there for her to tell me how proud she is of my grades.

Yeah, you guessed it. I'm number two on the academic scale in this school. I hardly get anything lower than a 100% on anything that's marked as a score! and I'm constantly doing any type of extra credit that doesn't involve physical exercise.

I pushed the door to the office open, passing by the receptionist to Headmaster Venus' office. Her door was already cracked open, so I easily slipped in and dropped my bag to the floor beside a chair. Grabbing a peppermint from her desk, I dropped into a chair.

"You called?" Headmaster Venus turned around in her chair to face away from her computer. Her brown beady eyes pierced into mine as she straightened out her blues and pencil skirt. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a tight bun making her eyes to squint a little. She pushed her glasses up her nose as I did the same. "Yes I did Valentina. I apologize for the mistake over the intercom with your name; some people just can't pick it up." I waved a hand and sucked on the peppermint that was now pressed against my cheek. "It's fine. Now, what did you exactly want with me?" She shook her head with a small smile on her face. "Always straight down to business. I like that about you." She cleared her throat and placed her hands on her desk folded neatly.

"Now your always looking for an opportunity for extra credit right?" That got my attention. I straightened up in my chair and leaned forward a little. "Yes you know this, what is it about?" She smiled nervously, setting off a million alarms in my brain. "I have a little project for you. But it's not exactly like everything else you've ever done."

My eyes narrowed a little. "You know I'm always up for a challenge." Her hands flitted around her desk, her eyes darting everywhere around the room but at me. "We have a little experiment that we want to try in one of our sociology classes. But we need someone to test drive it first."

"Spit it out Headmaster Venus." She took a deep breath, before her eyes settled down on me again. "We need you to study someone. Find out their likes and dislikes. Dig into their personal life and find out what makes then tick, what drives their anger, compassion, worry, love, regret, sadness. We need you to know this one specific person inside out. We will be changing around your schedule so that you end up I'm every one of this person's classes. It will be up to you to get to know them outside of school. Find someway to communicate with them on a level that goes beyond academics. If we gave you a random quiz about this one person we expect you to get every last thing about them correct. You will be stuck with this person for three months. At the end of those three months, you will be given up two days to write a five page essay on what you know about their life. Wich should be everything."

I blinked at her. That was it? "I'll do it. Should be easy enough." Headmaster Venus got that really uneasy look on her face again. "There's one more thing....."

"What is it? It can't be that bad."

"Your subject....." She run her fingers together nervously "Is Justin Bieber." And just like that, I was out. My whole body froze as my eyes widened. She couldn't be serious!

Justin Bieber, the schools bad boy. He is like a male version of Lyric times ten, and without the brains to keep him in this school. The only reason he hasn't been kicked out yet, is because all the money the school sucks from his parents. He is also the most desired boy throughout this whole school by 90% of Venus Academy's female population. His straight brown flippy hair, the band t-shirts he wears under his school blazer, the black skinny jeans that take place of the required slacks, the many-colored Van's that replace the standard white shoes. Those light brown eyes that can make you do anything if you let yourself get lost, and the black little lip ring on the left side of his bottom lip.

I squirmed in my seat under Headmaster Venus' begging gaze. "Isn't there anyone else?" She shook her head. "No. We will be putting two people together with completely different personalities. Who better than the bad boy and the nerd?" My fingers started tapping nervously on my leg. "What about Lyric? She's the bad girl of the school...." Headmaster Venus rolled her eyes. "That would hardly be a challenge. You already know her inside and out." I started tugging at the ends of my hair again. "I don't know...."

"I'll write a recommendation letter to any college of your choice." My head snapped up and locked eyes with her. "Any college?" She grinned. She already knew she won when she uttered that one, incredible sentence. "Any college"

















"I'll do it."

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