Nerdy Has Comeback

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I huffed as I slammed my books down on the table in front of me. My body sunk back into the couch shoved in the back corner of the library and I flung my glasses from my face, where they magically landed on my pile of books. "Why does God hate me?"Lyric rolled her eyes and glanced up at me over her magazine from the couch across from my own. "God doesn't hate you."Groaning, I rolled to the side and my body slumped on the bottom of the couch. "He does; or else I wouldn't be here right now." I loosened the school tie from around my neck so that it hung lazily around my body.She giggled, peeking over her magazine again. "Are you stripping for me, now?"I launched a pillow at her head. "You only wish." Laughing lightly, I rolled over onto my stomach so that half of my body was hanging off of the couch. "I hate spending my study hour like this.""You're a nerd, right?"Both of our heads snapped up to see Vance Athens squinting at us from behind a book shelf only a couple of feet away from us. I knew he was talking to me, since Lyric was very cautious about who knew that she was smart. It could seriously hurt her reputation as the school's bad girl.Following

Speaking of bad; this boy was Justin's second in command. His black spikey hair, dark brown eyes, pale yet shiny skin, and muscular build gave him the reputation he wanted. Not to mention the eyebrow piercing that was being lifted at this exact moment as he waited for my answer.I scrambled into a sitting position as a blush bloomed across my face. I dipped my head slightly so that my brown curls fell around my face and hit the couch, creating a shield between us.

"Y-yes."Vance smirked and leaned forward. "Come help me. I don't know where anything is in this damn place. And no, I wasn't asking."Nodding slowly, I stood up and moved around the table to where he was partially hidden behind the book case. I kept my head down and didn't bother to move my hair out of the way. "What book are you looking for?" I winced slightly when my voice came out as a whisper.Feeling his eyes on me, I began to fidget. "Some book I need for English. Some stupid shit about a Mockingbird."

"To Kill a Mockingbird?" My ears perked up at the classic book he hinted at. Without waiting for an answer, I moved in that direction. My steps were light as I padded across the carpet. While searching through the book cases, I couldn't help the small smile that took hold of my face. This was the library; I was in my element here. I took a sharp turn down the L's, letting my soft green eyes search for the book through the dusty shelves. My finger ran over the books lightly, my brain running through the alphabet as I searched through them. I jerked to a stop and tapped the book twice.

"Here it is."
Before I could move from in front of the row of books, a hand shot out from behind me and grabbed two of the four copies. My body tensed up when I felt the body heat of Vance radiating from right behind me. "I guess nerds are useful."

"U-uhm..." I stuttered over my words. Just the knowledge that a boy was willing standing this close to me was sending my brain into overdrive.Before I could loose my ability to form words completely, the hand was drawn back and I heard Vance take a step back. I couldn't help the sigh of relief that flew through my lips. Thank god that's over. "Now how the hell do I get back to where my shit is?"I spun around on my heel and ducked my head again. "Where were you sitting?"
"By some rack of magazines."Resisting the urge to roll my eyes I simply bounded off towards the direction, my steps fluid and my school skirt wrinking slightly as it swished around my legs. I tugged on my tie again, loosening it even more and unbuttoning the suffocating blazer to reveal my white button up shirt underneath it.

Rounding the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me. My suddent hault caused Vance to stumble into my back, a steady stream of curse words flowing from his mouth. "What the fuck was that for?"The sound of his best friend's voice caused Justin's head to snap up from the car magazine he had been skimming through. His curious brown eyes flitted from

Vance to me as a smirk fell over his face. "Lost?"Vance moved around me while glaring in my direction before scoffing at Justin. "You act like I should know my way around this place." He chucked one of the books in Justin's direction where it smacked his chest and fell into his lap. "Found it, by the way." Justin glanced up at Vance, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, fine. The nerd found it for me."
"Vance!"I turned my head slightly at the high pitched squeal and just about fainted.Vance's eyes narrowed in Lindsey's direction as she skipped over to him. "Lindsey."She wrapped her hands around one of his arms, but not before glancing at Justin. A smirk fell over her face as she rounded on Vance, pushing herself against his chest. "How about we head over to my place and have a little repeat of last night?"

Oh dear lord, I'm going to be sick! I resisted the urge to gag as Lindsey dragged her finger down Vance's chest slowly, trying to tease him to the max.But it didn't look like he was having any of it. "No." Lindsey stopped short, her startled eyes flashing up to meet Vance's unamused ones. "No?"

Vance moved away from her like she had a flesh eating disease and fell into the chair next to Justin, who was glancing between the two repeatedly. "No. I only fucked you last night to see if what Justin said was true."I knew I shouldn't have been standing there and listening. I should have bolted as soon as I saw Lindsey coming my way. But how could I resist this? I was beyond curious.Lindsey immediately perked up, dancing to the side of their chairs. She leaned in over Justin slightly, her eyes skipping from one to the other with a grin on her face. "And what exactly did Justin say?""That you were a shitty fuck."I slapped a hand over my mouth to keep my giggle from escaping. Justin caught my movement out of the corner of his eye, seeming to be the only one, and his lips twitched into a half smirk.

Lindsey, however, was not amused at all. She jerked back into a standing position and glanced at Justin. "What?"Vance rolled his eyes. "Did you really think you were all that high and mighty just because you're head cheerleader?" He raised a hand and started ticking things off on his fingers. "Your kisses were sloppy. You had to struggle to get my clothes off, let alone your own. Your hair feels fake as fuck, so it's no fun to run my hands through it. You couldn't suck a dick to save your own life. You had no rhythm at all so you were all over the place. And you sounded like a whale giving birth to a llama."

There was aboslutely no way I could have prevented what happened next. I braced myself on the couch across from them as I exploded in laughter, my body shaking slightly from the force. I had to bring my hand up to my stomach from the pain, causing me to lose my grip on the couch and simply fall over the arm of it. I twisted in midair so that I landed on my back with my legs dangling over the arm, my hair spilling out and onto the floor.Lindsey whipped around, finally noticing my precense as I died of laughter on the couch. Her cheeks were red, partially from anger and the other half embarassment. A manicured finger was pointed in my direction as her eyes narrowed. "You!"

There is one thing that I don't love about myself. When I'm amused or really angry, I simply can't keep up the act I put on at school. All of my nerves fall from my body and I'm a snappy little one. Basically, my true personality is shown without my consent. I can't control it, although I can't really say that I had any desire to at the moment.

Laughter was still bubbling from my body when Lyric rounded the corner, squinting at my form on the couch. Her eyes roamed around, taking in the situation. "Why is she slowly killing herself from laughter?"I rolled over onto my stomach, bracing myself by putting my hand on the floor. I couldn't stop my laughter long enough to form a proper sentence. "Vance...Lindsey...whale birth llama..."Lyric raised an amused eyebrow. "Vance told Lindsey she sounded like a whale giving birth to a llama during sex?"

She would be the only person on this planet that could decipher what I was saying just then.Vance shrugged his shoulders while eyeing Lyric up and down. "She needed the cold, hard truth."Lryic scoffed while moving to my side. "About time somebody knocked her down a few notches.""Excuse me?!" Lindsey's face was turning even redder, making my laughing fit that much harder to stop. Her eyes darted towards me.

"Stop laughing, you bitch!"I rolled back onto my back and glanced over at Lindsey as my laughter slowed into giggles. "At least I'm not a whale."Lyric smirked. She knew that little fact that I couldn't control what I said when I was completely lost on cloud nine with amusement. I knew she would enjoy this, considering I've only ever been able to stand up to Lindsey once.Vance fake gasped, bringing my eyes over to him. "Nerdy has comebacks!"

Rolling my eyes, I happily flicked him the finger. "Fuck yourself, Athens." I raised an innocent eyebrow. "Or would you rather the whale work her magic again?"Lindsey glared at me. She'd only delt with this side of me once before, and it didn't end so well for her. "At least I'm not a little virgin!"I swung my legs happily and pulled my tie farther from my throat with a grin on my face. "I'd rather be a virgin than the equivalent of a Stop and Go."

"At least I can actually get guys to stop!"Another giggled rolled off of my tongue as I hopped to my feet. I closed the space between us in three easy strides, matching her height dead on. "I'm so fucking sorry that I'm not a slut. I've had guys try, trust me. I just have enough sense to know what the word 'no' means."My head jerked to the side as Lindsey landed a hard slap on my cheek. "Bitch!"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm my anger. Hearing shifting behind me, I raised my hand without opening my eyes. "Stand down, Lyric. I'm good." My tongue slowly rolled over my lips as I opened my eyes and turned my head back to face Lindsey.

And God help me if I didn't want to smack that smirk right off of her face.I cocked my head to the side innocently, feeling my hair fall over to the side and brush just below my skirt to touch my leg. My hand came up and grabbed a hold of the hair at the back of Lindsey's head in a tight fist. She yelped as I tugged and took another step closer to her. I leaned in, causing her to lean back slightly. "You touch me again, and I swear on all that is Holy you will never be able to walk straight again."Her eyes narrowed again when I let her hair go. She stepped back a little and rubbed at the back of her head. "What are you going to do, sick Lyric on me?"I rolled my eyes at her. I was getting annoyed, and I had a bit of a temper. Taking the hair tie from my wrist, I tied my hair back into a sloppy bun. It was a habit I've had since I was little that I always do when I'm aggrivated.

Lyric saw my temper getting shorter and shorter. "Watch your step, Val. She isn't worth it." I heard the warning clear in her voice.Lindsey cocked her hip out to the side and placed a hand on it. "What is she going to do? Overload my brain with math equations?"

"Or I could shove your face into that wall over there repeatedly until no one will be able to recognize you when you crawl out of here. Then, just for good messure, I could shove one of these tables so far up your ass you'll never be able to walk straight again."The sound of a magazine falling to the floor sounded from the small group as Vance and Lindsey gaped at me, Lyric smirked proudly, and Justin simply rose from his seat. My eyes never left Lindsey's wide ones as Justin came up behind me and placed a hand on the small of my back. He leaned in slightly towards me and spoke in a low, stern tone. "Don't."I scoffed and shrugged his hand off of my skin. "She's pissing me the hell off, Justin. Just let me beat the fuck out of her so she knows better than to never touch me again. Scratch that; so that she knows to never even glance in my direction."

I tried taking a step closer to her, but an arm wrapped tightly around my waist and pulled me back. Justin spun me around to face him, his light brown eyes locking onto my vivid green ones. He flicked his hair out of his face a little and bent down to my height slightly. His arms formed an iron cage around me as he squished me into his chest so that he knew I couldn't get anywhere. "What would your mom be saying to you right now? Do you really want to dissappoint her like this?"

My eyes immedately softened at the thought of mom. She wouldn't be happy at all if she were here. I dipped my head a little, breaking eye contact with Justin. "No..."One of his arms left my side to reach up and grab my chin, tilting my head up so that he could look me in the eye once again. "Can you imagine how scared Evan would be of his big sister if he saw you like this?" I shrugged, trying to divert my eyes from his. "Look at me, Valentina." My eyes snapped back to his, startled that he'd used my actual name. His arm tightened around my waist, trapping my arms against my sides. "I don't care what she says. Don't sink to her level. Tell her off all you want, I don't give a shit. But don't hit her. All that's going to do is cause you trouble and her a black eye and a few bruises."I grinned at that. "Hell yeah, it would."

Amusement flickered in his eyes and he lifted a perfectly scuplted eyebrow. His tongue darted out to flick at his lip ring to keep himself from smiling, which only made my grin stretch even farther. "If I let you go, will you attack, or stay calm?"

"I wouldn't trust myself too much right now."He rolled those beautiful eyes of his and released my face. He spun us around to face Lindsey again and released my waist, but grabbed a hold of my left wrist to keep me in place. For some reason, my stomach flipped at the contact. His eyes flashed over towards me. "Behave."

"No promises!"My attention was drawn back to Lindsey when I heard her basically choking on air. "You know her family?!" She pointed an accusing finger at Justin, who simply raised an eyebrow at her.

Lyric stepped up beside me with an evil smile on her face. "I was a witness to confirm this happened!"

A giggle left my mouth as I caught on to what she was doing. Going along with her, I used my free hand to cover my heart, pretending to swoon. "It was so sweet! He carried me through the door bridal style and was so gentle when he was taking care of my injured up body. My mom absolutely loves him!" I sighed blissfully, my lips curling up into a grin.Lindsey sputtered, leaning against the book case next to her to keep her balance as her shocked eyes flashed from me to Justin, then back again. "You made me sneak you through the window because you said you didn't want to risk my parents seeing you!"Lyric shrugged innocently.

. "Whoops. Looks like he just really wants nothing to do with you. Classic case of wham, bam, thank you ma'am."I playfully smacked Lyric's arm as I giggled once again. Vance chuckled from his relaxed position in his chair, clearly enjoying the show.Lindsey let out a strangled scream and stomped her foot childishly. "What the hell, Justin?!"

I glanced his way to see that he was enjoying this just as much as we were. The edges of his lips quirked up into that famous little smirk of his. "What can I say? Bitches love me."This caused me to jerk my elbow into his ribs, which didn't seem to affect him at all. He simply glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, raising an eyebrow as if saying 'that wasn't all of your strength, right?'Psht, of ocurse not.Maybe.I was brought out of my mind as Lindsey stomped her way past us, bumping her shoulder into mine as she came in between Lyric and I. She paused to glare at me.

"This isn't over, White. I always win."I prepared to launch myself at her, but Justin was a step ahead in wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me back into his chest. I struggled against his hold as Lindsey half walked and half ran from the library. "Get back here and stand up to your words, whale! We'll see who walks out of here half broken!"

I felt Justin's breath hit my neck as he chuckled and leaned down to my ear. "Retract your claws, kitten."I rolled my eyes at him as Lindsey dissappeared through the doors. He released me from his hold and I crossed my arms in a pout.

"Nerdy has game."

Stupid bad boys. Stupid nicknames.

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