Skate Park & Distractions

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"That's fucking priceless!" Lyric wiped tears from her eyes as she caught her breath. I squinted at her from my spot in the tree while she rolled around on the ground, clutching her stomach from laughing too hard.

I rolled my eyes while swinging my legs back and forth. "Not funny, Lyric."

Her blue eyes peered up at me from the ground with amusement shining as clear as day. "Oh, but it is. You nearly killed your little brother!" Jumping to my feet on the branch, I shook my head and latched onto another branch. "I did not almost kill Evan." I pulled myself up and spread my body lazily across the branch on my stomach. My wavy hair hung down almost as much as my arms and legs did. I seriously needed a haircut.

"He simply needed a punishment, so I did what any big sister would."

"People don't go around sitting on 7-year-old kids!"

"Well, it is called baby sitting."

Lyric burst out into another fit of laughter while rolling around in the grass a bit more. Rolling my bright green eyes, I swung my body to the side of the branch and jumped down, landing on the balls of my feet next to her.

My mom had screamed at me so loud that I'm surprised the neighbors didn't hear us when she came home to find me, literally, sitting on Evan because he wouldn't listen to me. What else was I supposed to do when he wouldn't sit on the couch in time-out? It's not like I hurt the kid.I eventually left the house and ended up at the park with Lyric to escape my mom's screaming.

Lyric grabbed my arm to pull herself from the ground. "You're a crazy ass bitch."

"Shut up!" I kicked the back of her knees, resulting in her colapsing to the ground again. I darted over to the sidewalk and jumped onto my board, kicking off and sticking my tongue out at Lyric as she ran after her own skateboard.

If the kids at school saw me outside of school, they would never look at me the same again. If they recognized me, that is. I sort of had two different sides of me. In school, I was the girl that kept to herself and focused on getting straight A's. I was the quiet nerd that retreated into her shell when she was lashed out at. I never stood up for myself, and all I really did was work and read.

Outside of school, I was the complete opposite. I'm constantly climbing things and running all over the place in a hyper mess. I've nearly broke multiple bones from doing dares that Lyric had put over my shoulders. Now, don't get me wrong. I've still never done anything illegal and I still follow the law, but I'm just more out going and cheerful. It would be nothing out of the ordinary to see me boarding across the street, sporting some type of band t-shirt, brightly-colored skinny jeans, and a random color of converse shoes.

Right now I was wearing my favorite Pierce The Veil t-shirt, red skinnies, white converse with drawings scattered all over them in black sharpie, a red snapback that read reackless across the front, and a bracelet that I had signed by Sleeping With Sirens.

I kicked my board back to come to a stop right on the inside the gate of the mini-skate park we had in town. It was nearly always full, and today was no exception. Kids from ages 7 to 17 litterted the park, running around and laughing with their friends. Lyric came to a stop beside me and nudged her board against mine. "Want to give these kids a little show?"I rose my eyebrows in her direction. "Which ruitine?"

"The one we've been practicing on the half-pipe in my backyard."

I grinned at her. The kids here haven't seen that one yet. That was one thing about us. We were constantly making up these new, crazy ruitines together that we perfected in her backyard before bringing them here. The regulars knew us by name and absolutely loved to see what we could come up with together. "Perfect."

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