One-Shot 1 - You're Finally Mine

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Dedicated to 

The sun was slowly descending. You could feel the warm aroma of the sun setting which is creating a mix of an orange and pink color to the sky. 

"Do you want to do your homework now?" asked a voice. Jihyo was startled. Her voice slowly turned a bright red , which caused her to blush as red as a tomato.

Before Jihyo could have the chance to reply , Mingyu was already pinching her cheeks.

"Ah! Oppa!" Jihyo yelled , pouting like a little girl. She quickly looked at the view outside the window. The sun had fully set and the night began to darken. The sound of crickets chirping and the coll night breeze could really calm someone down , whether they're in doubt or whether thy're stressed.

As Jihyo gazed out longer , she felt her eyes getting heavy. 

Soon enough , she fell asleep. She felt her hand land on someone's shoulder but I didn't care anymore. I needed my rest from all the schoolwork and drama at home.


"Wake up! We're back at Seoul already!" she felt a voice called. Jihyo rubbed my eyes and turned to the left to see Mingyu's beautiful eyes. 

Every girl at school has a crush on him , Mingyu. Yes , the same guy I , Jihyo ,  have been crushing on for years now. She has always wanted to find the right time to confess her  true feelings for him. But with so many fangirls swarming him every single day , Jihyo  chances were just slipping beneath her finger tips.

She silently sighed to herself , hoping and silently praying that Mingyu didn't hear her.

Unfortunately for her , he did.

Mingyu's happy eyes had a concerned look in them. Before Jihyo could say no , Mingyu embraced her and pulled her into a tight sandwich hug. His warm arms wrapped around Jihyo and she bit her lip , trying hard not to let a out a huge grin on her face. Then she'll only look like a weirdo.


"Jihyo?" Mingyu asked , tapping me lightly on the shoulder. 

We were now walking back the 1 block to my home. He suddenly held both of my hands and pulled me closer. Oh god , why is he doing this to me?

Why is he making the butterflies in her stomach flutter? Why did he always make her heart race so much that she can't even think straight? It's like he was a wizard that has put an unbreakable spell on her.

"I... like...." he said , trailing off every single time.

"You what?" she asked , trying hard not to meet his gaze. 

"I like you!" Mingyu said out loud.

And with those words , he kissed Jihyo before she could say anything.

She replied that she liked him too and they kissed again.

"You're finally mine , " Jihyo thought to herself.

Author's Notes :

First one-shot done! Yay! =))

Hope to get more one-shots soon though!! =))) PLEASE READ , VOTE , COMMENT AND SHARE THIS STORY AND ALL MY OTHER STORIES TOO! =))

Still don't get what is a happy pill?  It's basically my fans/readers from my followers on Instagram , Twitter , , Wattpad and Snapchat! =))

I have a total of 1390 fans and counting from my social medias which are Twitter , Wattpad , Instagram , Snapchat and!

Don't forget to share , vote and comment on this story and all my other stories! =))




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