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"We're here." Mr. G. C. said as he parked the car in front of the place.

Eric was left speechless. It wasn't what he has expected. Since last night up to the point of their travel going to the place, Eric has formulated possible places that they're going to. Unfortunately, none of them was right. It was not an advanced hospital even though the father was sick and dying. It was not an exclusive home for the aged even though the author was all alone in life. It was not even a luxurious mansion even though the client of Mr. G. C. was a prominent personality in the business world. What made Eric be stunned then?

Eric was surprised since the place was located at Riverview Heights. He had never visited the area before but he had heard about it several times. He knew that it's an area for well-off people. The millionaires and billionaires of the land live in such prestigious area. It's actually one of the most expensive neighborhoods not only in Cincinnati but also in the entire United States. Real State companies said that the residents of the area are in the company of the wealthiest communities in the nation. Eric was surprised that the home of the father was within the area. Eric was aware that the father was rich. He was alert when Mr. G. C. informed them that his client was a prominent personality. However, he did not expect that he was that prominent. He expected a mansion in Mt. Lookout or a villa in East Westwood but not in Riverview Heights.

The house was not a mansion, a villa nor a walloping home. It was actually not the most decorated one compared to the surrounding houses. It was a simple bungalow-type of residence that looks like a product of 90s. It was like a kitten enclosed with tigers. While all the neighboring houses were huge and near-to-a-palace type of houses, the house of the father was just a simple house that could be said an affordable housing to a working class.

Eric perceived it as ironic. He couldn't see the logic behind the type of the house with the value of the area. Eric knew that the father is a simple old man but he didn't expect that his house would be this simple. It was just a plain and simple house.

Eric quickly had an idea why the father would want to stay in such a privileged area. It was not because of the status symbol attached with the area. Rather, Eric has heard before that the residents of the area have more of a Canadian ancestry background. This may be the reason why. It must have been about comfort for the father since he lived in Canada when he was young.

As Mr. G. C. was about to knock, the door opened. A young lady in white clothes from top to bottom appeared. Mr. G. C. introduced Eric to the young lady. Her name was Anna. She's the caregiver of the author of the letter.

"Anna, where's Mr. Clements?" Mr. G. C. asked. Eric didn't bat an eyelid. He didn't want to show that he gained new information. He kept it to himself. So the mysterious father's name is Mr. Clements. His curiosity rose up to the max. If only he could run to the place where this mysterious father is, he would have done it in an instant.

"He's waiting for you in the usual spot." Anna responded as she led them inside the house.

Eric noticed one of the open rooms they passed by along the pathway. It seems to be the room where the books in the coffee shop used to stay. It's a small room yet there were bookshelves in almost every corner of the room. Most of them were empty. There were also executive chairs and wooden table stationed at the center of the room. Above it is a glistening crystal chandelier, which has clear strands, gleaming teardrops and sparkling prisms as design on an open antique brass frame. The room must be the private library of Mr. Clements.

Eric thought that room might also the place where Mr. Clements wrote the letter at the back leaves of the book. Sitting on a chair, a pen in his hand, book on the table lighted by the dazzling chandelier, Eric was already vividly imagining the scene.

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