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"What the hell happened to him, Anna? He was doing well before we left." Mr. G. C. forlornly asked.

"Ah...!" Anna mumbled. "He was unexpectedly in colossal pain after you left. He asked us to be confined at the hospital immediately." She explained to Mr. G. C. and Eric, who accompanied him to the hospital.

"So... How is he doing now? What did his doctors say?"

"They're still checking the test results."

It's not the first time that Mr. Clements was rushed to the hospital. They were used to it. However, Mr. G. C. felt different about this latest incident. He was more nervous than before. It's as if his guts telling him that something is not right.

"Where's he then?" Eric inquired.

"He's resting in his private room." Anna pointed at the room next to her. "They have already injected him with morphine to ease his pain." She added.

As they were about to open the door, "Oh Mr. G. C.!" A voiced from the hallway greeted.

The three of them glanced at the hallway to see who was the person who called Mr. G. C.

Anna and Mr. G. C. were familiar with the hospital staff since Mr. Clements is a regular patient and part owner of the private hospital. They knew immediately who it was.

Dr. Patrick Benson has been the lead doctor for the case of Mr. Clements. He's among the top doctors in the field of cancer therapy at the hospital. He knew Mr. Clements and Mr. G. C. well. He's one of the doctors that Mr. Clements trusted the most since buying some shares in the hospital.

"How is he, Doc.?" Mr. G. C. fearfully asked.

"Let's enter the room first and then I'll tell you how he is." They entered the room and saw that Mr. Clements was peacefully asleep. They positioned themselves at the couches and waited for Dr. Benson's narration about the result of the tests of Mr. Clements.

The room was the largest room in the hospital. Aside from the equipment usually found in a modern hospital room, it also has enough space for a large number of visitors and watchers with a four-star kind of living room found in a hotel. It's actually an exclusive room for Mr. Clements himself who has fair amount of shares at the private hospital.

"Well, first things first. He's all right for now. No need to worry. His pain reliever didn't immediately work. That's why he was gasping in pain. We have already injected him with morphine to calm him down." Dr. Benson explained.

"Are there some other things that we need to know?" Mr. G. C. asked as he sensed that Dr. Benson only said the good part.

"In order for him to be victorious in his battle, his immune system must continue to rise. He would be undergoing different therapies in few months and we saw that his immune system weakened compared to his check-up two weeks ago. He wouldn't be able to handle them especially the chemotherapy and radiotherapy if his immune system continues to plunge down in a lightning speed." Dr. Benson glanced at Anna. "Anna, is there something that's bothering Mr. Clements lately?"

"You see doc. He was restless these past weeks. He seems to be in a deep reflection on something." Anna explained.

"That may be the cause. He needs a lot of rest if we would proceed as planned. We can't assure him that he could handle the therapies if his immune system continues to weaken." Dr. Benson concluded.

"What do you want us to do then, Doc.?" Mr. G. C. asked.

"Hmmm... I know that he has rejected it before but I suggest that he remains in the hospital. Besides, if he really wants to be victorious, it's a must."

"But..." Mr. G. C. glanced at Mr. Clements. "You know that we couldn't convince him with that. He had rejected that suggestion several times."

"I know. However, that is the only option for him to regain his strength. He has no other option for now."

"Okay! Okay doc! I'll try to convince him again." Mr. G. C. suggested.

"That would be great then. You know... you are the only one whom he listens to."

"I'll try my best."

"Please do." Then Dr. Benson looked at Anna and informed her about the adjustments of Mr. Clements' medication. Dr. Benson didn't stay long. He immediately excused himself to attend other patients.

Eric was unspoken since they entered the room. Looking at Mr. Clements with different apparatus connected with his body made Eric recall the last time that he was in a hospital. Though the hospital that they were in was different, the nostalgic feeling remains the same. It was the last place that he has talked with his father.

"Are you okay?" Mr. G. C. asked Eric as he noticed that he seems to be uneasy.

"Yes. Why? Is there a problem?"

"Nothing really. You just seem to be quiet since we entered the room."

"I was... thinking about something..." Eric glanced at Mr. Clements. "He's really more than just a employer or a friend to you."

"As I have told you, he is like a father to me." Mr. G. C. got up and walked closer to Mr. Clements. "He actually saved our lives several times." Eric surprisingly stared at him as he unraveled more parts of their history together. "He helped my mother when she was hospitalized before she died. Mr. Clements also gave me the café." Mr. G. C. smiled. "For just a silly reason, he gave it to me. He said that the café would be the legacy, which he wanted me to culture, the love for coffee and books. I will forever be indebted to him."

Eric couldn't help him but to be sad. He knew that what Mr. Clements said is like his last will and testament. He understood that Mr. Clements has already accepted the possibility of his death. "With his current condition, is it not better if you would look for his daughter to make him better?" He bizarrely asked.

"I really cannot..." Mr. G. C. looked at Eric. "As you have heard him this morning. He believes in miracles. He longed for it to happen during his lifetime, a miracle of sight that one day, God would make a way for him to be able to see his daughter. Though, he's also prepared that if ever he would leave this world not seeing her, I know that he would still smile from above knowing that his daughter is doing well."

"But... don't you think that God is knocking on your heart for you to fulfill that miracle?"

Mr. G. C. didn't respond. He had thought about that before but his mind remained firm on waiting for the miracle to take shape on its own. His professionalism was always kicking in whenever such idea passed through his mind.

Eric looked at his watch. It was already three in the afternoon. He wanted to stay longer until Mr. Clements wakes up but he has to work. For the last time, he stood up and looked at Mr. Clements and Mr. G. C., he saw his dad and himself in them. He knew that a great amount of pain is striking the heart of Mr. G. C. Yet he also understood that such pain would make him stronger as it did to him. He smiled and told Mr. G. C. that he would go ahead because of work schedule.

Mr. G. C. offered to drive him back at the café where Eric left his car. Eric, however, insisted that he would just take a taxi going back since Mr. Clements needs Mr. G. C. by his side. Eric left them thinking that it might be his last time seeing Mr. Clements again. His guts insisted that it would be the last and he wanted to do something before it's too late. He saw the emergency of what he was doing and he planned to fast track his search, not only for his satisfaction but also to the betterment of those people involved before everything would to be too late.

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