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It was strange to think of the unexpected twist Melody's life could take up until three days ago. She would have jumped at any suggestions her friends would say regarding the preparations. It was probably exactly what any woman would want but when Eric reappeared, the façade of normalcy that she had been maintaining was gone.

Melody appreciated the fact that she didn't feel the pressure why Eric suddenly resurfaced the way he had. No questions, no curiosity, no open-ended hints. Just a casual acceptance that she was getting married.

"Oh...!" Jean, Kendra and Eunice expressed. They were shockingly staring at Eric. They didn't know that Melody would bring a man for her preparation.

"Hey girls! This is Eric." Melody introduced. "He would help us for the preparations."

Eric beamed.

The ladies had been friends since their childhood years. Their friendship goes beyond laughters and tears, failures and successes. Due to their uniqueness, they stood up from the rest of the young in the town. The town folks even called them little spice girls. Not only were they good in singing like the spice girls; the ladies were also elegantly gorgeous in their own way. They were the undoubted beauties of the town. Most of them have joined the annual beauty contest in Bremerton except for Melody, who never tried to be in any contest excluding the annual fundraising contest, which her mother organized.

"These are my girl friends. This is Kendra, the youngest. This is Jean, the beauty." Melody tapped Eunice on her shoulder, "And of course, Eunice, do you still remember her?"

"You're with her in New York, right?"

Melody beamed. "She's the brain."

"You forgot about Lea." Kendra reminded.

"Oh! And Lea, the workaholic. As you noticed she's not around. She's in Seattle for a business meeting."

At least once a week, the ladies had get together at Melody's house before they parted ways when they were in college. Jean and Lea studied in Seattle. Melody and Eunice journeyed in New York. Kendra stayed behind.

It was only after they graduated that their weekly get together resumed. Yet, it was never the same from their younger group gatherings. Due to different priorities from business affairs to relationships, most of the time they were not complete. Lea was at the top of absentees since she was manhandling their family business enterprises.

"Shall we enter then?" Jean asked.

As the ladies and Eric were entering the boutique shop, Eunice suddenly pulled Melody out for a moment.

"What's wrong?" Melody asked.

"What's wrong?" Eunice raised her voice, "Are you nuts? Why on earth is he here?" She hit Melody at her shoulder afterwards.

"Ouch! That hurts. Can you not ask without hitting me?" Melody placed her hands on her hips. "He said that he has something to do in the area. Then I invited him for the wedding and of course asked him to help us with the preparations."

"Are you okay? You're really crazy?" Eunice stated at her in disbelief.

Melody just smiled.

"How about Clayton? What if both of them would meet? How would you introduce them?"

"Don't worry. I have thought about that last night. They wouldn't see each other. I wouldn't let them." Melody answered.

"Hello! Have you forgotten about the wedding? You invited him. Of course, they would see each other."

"I know and that would be the first and last time that they would see each other. Besides, they don't know each other. Clayton has no clue on he is. Let me be selfish just this once. I am not shooting anything with this kind of situation. It was fate that made Eric come to us again. Maybe it's time. I don't know. If there's one thing I am sure about. I wanted to be happy and so is Clayton." Melody exhaled deeply.

"I hope your right. I wish that I were wrong in thinking that Clayton may end up hurt rather than happy. Yet, if things would tangle up again," Eunice smiled, "I will be here for you just like always." She reminded.

Eunice was the only one other than Nana who knew everything that had happened in Melody's life. From her sorrows and pains to her successes and joys. She was the closest friend to Melody. She has exemplified the true friendship between them. She had not only been a good confidant with secrets but also a crying shoulder and a helping hand when Melody needed someone the most. Since Melody was the only child, Eunice has been her apparent sister who would confront her when she was wrong and rejoice with her when she did something right.

When Eric disappeared without notice, it was Eunice who had been the crying shoulder of Melody. Moreover, she didn't leave her alone when unexpected things came to Melody's life. Not to mention, she was also the bridge that introduced Melody to her future husband.

While Melody was still caressing the pain she had received from Eric, Eunice has set her up with possible dates. Of course, not all dates came into good ending. There were some men who lasted for a single night while others for five dates just like the auburn-haired, green-eyed minx Melody dated. After the dozen dates that Eunice lined up came Melody's soon-to-be husband, who at the same time was Eunice second cousin. As a friend, Eunice only has good intention of helping Melody forget her aches and move on from the past. But, one history would never change with Melody's life. Moreover, such history, she looked at it as a blessing rather than a wound in her life.

"Is everything alright?" Kendra asked as she stepped out to check on the two ladies.

"Everything's fine." Both Eunice and Melody smiled at her.

"Let's get started then." Kendra excitedly invited.

As they entered the boutique, Melody recalled what her mother requested last night. Elizabeth asked her to invite her friends for the annual event at the center. As usual, Elizabeth wanted the ladies to help her with all the activities and preparations. She knew the ladies are always ready to lend a helping hand. They have become her children and likewise she stood up as their second mother.

"Girls, I almost forgot. Mama asked me, as usual, for your help at the center later. Who's free?"

Both Eunice and Kendra volunteered while Jean asked to be excused since she has work in the afternoon.

"Why not you," Jean tapped Eric's shoulder, "join them. Surely, it would be great to have man power for the preparation at the center." Jean suggested.

"I agree." Kendra seconded.

Melody and Eunice were surprised by their suggestion. They knew that they needed help at the center but it's a bad idea for Eric to be there considering that Clayton with Elizabeth. It's a catastrophic thought that would devour the plan of Melody. It had made Melody's throat tighten, didn't have a contingency plan for such worst case which is about to happen.

Eric simply nodded. "Sure, why not?"

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