Part ~3~

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Roland Lockley: Dad!!!!!!
Robin Lockley: Yes, my little hero?
Roland Lockley: There's a tarantula on the outside of the bathroom door!!! Can you get rid of it????????
Roland Lockley: Please, hurry, because I'm going to cry...
Roland Lockley: Dad...
Roland Lockley: Dad!
Roland Lockley: Hello?!
Robin Lockley: Dad is dead. You're next. Love, Moth.
Roland Lockley: DAADDYYYY!!!
Henry Mills: Roland, Roland! Everything it's okay!!
Roland Lockley: But the tarantula kill my daddyyyyyy !!!!!!
Robin Lockley: Roland it's a joke, don't cry! I love you my little hero! 💜
Roland Lockley: I hate you!!

Roland Lockley has logged off.

Henry Mills: That wasn't good idea...
Robin Lockley: Oh, I just will buy him a ice cream and he will be okay. Don't worry, he's little.
Emma Swan: How can he write?!
Henry Mills: Slow. But he can.
Regina Mills: Why you get off his mind, guys?! 😠
Henry Mills: His daddy purpose to scary him. It was fun in the start, only if you was saw his reaction!! 😂 But then we wasn't waiting for that reaction.. 😓
Regina Mills: Henry Daniell Mills!
Henry Mills: Okay, I'm sorry..
Regina Mills: Robin, come downstairs, I'm need to tell you something.
Robin Lockley: Okay.
Emma Swan: So, Henry, I have a question.
Henry Mills: I'm listening.
Henry Mills: Or... reading... you know.
Emma Swan: Yea. 😂
Emma Swan: Do you like horror movies?
Henry Mills: No.
Emma Swan: Because they scares you?
Henry Mills: No. Horror movies don't scared me, 5 missed calls from my other mom scares me.
Emma Swan: Oh, my god, really? 😂😂😂
Henry Mills: Don't laugh, this isn't funny. 😑
Emma Swan: Okay, okay. 😂
Henry Mills: You just don't know her, when she became angry...
Emma Swan: If you say...
Henry Mills: Let's change the typic.
Emma Swan: Okay. What theme?
Regina Mills: You always give a stupid themes.
Emma Swan: Regina!
Regina Mills: Emma.
Emma Swan: Hi.
Regina Mills: Seriously?
Emma Swan: Absolutly serously.
Regina Mills: You're kind of strange...
Emma Swan: I love people, who can ceep a conversation going, no matter how stupid or random.
Regina Mills: So bye.
Emma Swan: No, wait, I was just kidding!
Regina Mills: Really, Emma?
Emma Swan: Well I really love these people, but then like you say I always give stupid themes, that mean that I love myself, and vise versa - I hate the people, who give a normal themes, i.e. you.
Regina Mills: I don't care.
Emma Swan: Why?
Regina Mills: Cause I'll eat a chicken for dinner.
Emma Swan: Now I love you!!!
Regina Mills: And you know, that ,,swan" too is a type of bird.
Emma Swan: So you'll kill me?
Regina Mills: I hinted it.
Emma Swan: Now I don't love you.

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