Chapter 3: I Will Have War

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Aerlinniel POV

Bilbo and I are in a tent he is on one side in a bed, and I am on the other in another bed.


"Yes, Bilbo?"

"I have a question. You do not have to, but do you think you could tell me in more detail about how you became blind?" He asks.

"Sure." I say sitting up and pat the spot next to me. "Come sit here and I will tell you the story that my parents told me."

I listen as he walks over and sits on the bed. I take a deep breath and begin telling him what happened.

~flashback to what happened~

The Tár (King) and Tári (Queen) of the Hidden Kingdom of Fangorn were getting ready for their baby Elleth's arrival. The Tári was ten months with child and they knew it wouldn't be long until their little bundle of joy was born. They had decided to name her Aerlinniel, which means 'Song'.

"Tár Aearion and Tári Lindariel, I am very sorry to disturb you, but there is someone here to see you." A guard informs them, bowing to them.

"You may rise." The Tár tells him and says, "Lead us to them."

The guard stands up and leads them to the front gate where there is an Elleth and an Ellon waiting. It was the Tári's sister and brother.

"We want to speak with Tári Lindariel alone." The Ellon, Lindariel's brother, demanded.

"As you wish." The Tár agrees and him and the guard leave the room.

"You took something from me, Lindariel. So, I am going to do something to your precious child." Her sister says, anger in her voice.

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