Author's Note: Contest!

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I have a new contest for you all!

I need a book cover for a book I have coming out soon called Destiny. Here is the description for the book:

Miluiel is Lady Galadriel’s and Lord Celeborn’s daughter. There is an evil in Middle-earth and they know that their daughter is not safe. So, they send her to Earth. There a couple finds her and names her Amelia. On her 20th birthday, she finds herself in a different forest from the one she knows. Her whole world changes when she finds out her true identity. Will she be able to help save Middle-earth from the evil that has kept her away from her real family? And, along the way, will she find new friends and maybe even fall in love? Follow Miluiel on her journey to find out!

If you could use this picture of Legolas:

If you could use this picture of Legolas:

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And this picture for Miluiel/Amelia:

And this picture for Miluiel/Amelia:

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That would be great! :)

Also, if you could have my name- Ellethwen M. Carthir on it too.

The deadline for this is November 5th. I will be announcing the winner on that day.

The winner will get credit for the book cover, I will also give you a shout out in the book when it comes out, I will follow you if I am not already, and I will read one of your books. :D

Thanks to all who participate! Please let me know if you want to participate! :)

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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