Chapter 11: Rivendell

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Aerlinniel POV

~9 months later~

I smile as Elarinya reads the letter that Bilbo sent me. He tells me that he has been doing alright and that he misses me. And he asked if I was ready to go on an adventure with him. If I am, he hopes to see me soon. And if not, to write him a letter to let him know that I am not ready just yet.

But I am definitely ready for another adventure. I am having a great time with Elarinya and Faelwen, but I have been getting really bored. I miss the adventure, I miss fighting, and I really miss Bilbo. 

"You are leaving to go on an adventure with Bilbo, aren't you?" Elarinya questions.

I give her a sad smile and tell her, "I have had a great time being here, but I don't like just sitting around here all day. I feel I need to get out and do something."

"I understand. Just, try not to be gone too long."

I jump up and hug her, "Thank you, Elarinya."

She backs out of the hug and asks, "When will you leave?"

"Tomorrow. Unless you want me to wait a few days." I suggest.

"No, you go ahead and leave tomorrow. I will be fine. I have Faelwen and Mallory. Just go let Mallory and Faelwen know that you are leaving tomorrow."

~the next morning~

I mount my horse after saying goodbye to Elarinya, Faelwen, and Mallory. I give them one last smile before taking off through the gates. I give my horse a nudge so we can go faster. I am so excited to see Bilbo, it has been so long.

I would ride straight there, but I know my horse needs rest so I can't do that. Although, when we do rest I do not know if I would even be able to get sleep.

When we make it to Rivendell, I give my horse to one of the guards and head into Rivendell. I am greeted by Arwen.

"Aerlinniel! It is so good to see you!" She greets me, giving me a hug.

"It is good to see you too, Arwen." I hug her back.

She backs out of the hug, "So, what brings you here?"

"I am heading to The Shire to see Bilbo. I decided to stop here for the night." I tell her as we walk down a hallway.

"Well, I am glad that you are here. Even if it is only for the night. I will lead you to a room for you to rest in." She offers.

"Thank you, Arwen."

When we get to the room she says, "Have a good nights rest, Aerlinniel. Hopefully I will we you in the morning before you take off."

"Of course! I will be leaving pretty early, just meet me at the gate." I tell her.

"Alright, I will see you in the morning then."

"See you in the morning." I say back to her and enter the room.

I find the bed and lay down. It takes me a while, but I eventually fall asleep.


Hope you all liked this chapter! What do you think Bilbo and Aerlinniel are going to do for their adventure? And, who do you think they are going to see along the way. There are a bunch of surprises to come! Updates are every Sunday and Thursday!

Love you my elves from the realm of llamas,

~Ellethwen <3

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