Chapter 1

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***Shawn's POV***

I was woken up by my stupid alarm clock, all I wanted to do was sleep a little bit more. I am kind of nervous today, since it is my first day at a new school, and I don't know what to expect.

After hitting snooze about five times, I decide that I need to start getting ready to school, since I to get my schedule, and stuff like that. I get up from my bed and head to the drawers. I grab a pair of briefs and my towel, and make my way to the bathroom.

After I finish taking a shower, I go get dressed. I pick out some blue jeans and a plain black v-neck, and put on some white converses. I grab my backpack and my wallet and head downstairs.

I get into the kitchen, grabbing some snacks for later today. While I was doing that my Mom said, "Shawn, I hope that you are still not mad at me for making you switch schools." "Of course not Mom, I am totally not mad that I had to switch schools, three months into the year." I said in a sarcastic tone.

I leave the kitchen, not wanting my Mom to lecture me on how I am suppose to respond to her. I opened the front door, and began my walk to the new school, that I so badly didn't want to go to.

After what seemed like forever, I have finally reached this new school, heading to the front office, to go recieve my schedule for this year. I walked in, and the lady at the desk said, "Hi, I am Mrs. Smith, how many I help you." "Hi Mrs. Smith, I am Shawn Mendes, I am new here."

"Oh, so you are the new kid then, please follow me to get your id picture taken and to recieve your schedule." She stands up and motions me to follow her to some room, to which I assume is where I will be taking that photo.

Mrs. Smith was a really nice person, we talked so much, I am starting to like this school very much. I was standing in front of her desk talking to her, waiting for her to print and give me my schedule.

She reaches over to the printer, and hands me my schedule, she then says, "Would you like someone to show you around?" "Yes please, that would be really helpful." "Okay sweetie, I will call someone up to the office in a jiffy. Matthew Espinosa, please report to the office, Matthew Espinosa, please report to the office."

We kept on talking until that Matthew kid walked in and said, "Pardon me to interrupt, but what would you like from me?" "Matthew, could you please show Shawn to his first period, and show him around, he is new here." Said Mrs. Smith. "Sure, anything for you Mrs. Smith." Was the last thing Matthew said, and then we were off.

"Hi, the name is Matthew, but everyone calls me Matt." "Hi, I'm Shawn, I just moved here from Canada." "Wow, cool you are from Canada. Anyways can I see your schedule." "Yeah sure, here you go." I handed him my schedule, and he begins to read it.

"Okay, so first period you have AP Economics, then Anatomy, after that Spanish, so fourth period you have College Algebra and Trig, Wow you have Chemistry too, and finally you have English. I can tell that you are a smart person, by you schedule."

"Yeah, I only wanted to take academic classes this year. So, do we have any classes together?" "We sure do, we have English, Chemistry, and Anatomy together." "Cool, at least I will have a friend in three of my classes."

We were talking the whole time, that I didn't realize that we were already in front of my first period. "Well this is your first period, have fun and I'll come na get you to take you to anatomy." "Okay, see you later Matt." He waved back, and I entered my classroom.


I was now in Anatomy, I am sitting next to Matt, because the teacher just lets us sit wherever we want. We are learning medical terms, when in walks some guy. "Taylor, you're late." Said Mr. Weiss. "Sorry Mr. W, I promise that it won't happen again." Said that one Taylor guy. "Matt who is he?" "Well that's Taylor, he plays basket, he is the star of the varsity team." "Do you think that I can become his friend?" "Shawn, he isn't much of a friendly person." "So, I can still try." "Be my guest." Matt was about to say something when Mr. W said, "Now go practice the words for this week, but it can't be with one of you friends, you have to work with someone new." That's when I got the plan to go work with Taylor.

I pick up my stuff and walk over to the open desk next to him, I sit down and said, "Hi, I'm Shawn Mendes, I'm new here." "And I don't care, go work with someone else please." I can't everyone has a partner." "Well I guess you have to work by yourself." Taylor pulls pulls out his phone, and listen to music.

I get up and walk over to see Matt laughing. "What are you laughing about?" "Well I told you that he isn't the nicest person did I not." "Yes, yes you did. And I don't care. There is something special about him." "Okay sure." Said Matt in a sarcastic manner.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm walking to the cafeteria, because Matt told me to meet him there, that he would be waiting for me. Then I heard, "Shawn, come over here." I turned back to see Matt standing with three other guys.

"Matt who are they?" I asked. "Oh yeah right. They are Nash, Hayes and Johnson." "Hi everyone, I'm Shawn, I just moved here from Canada." "That's so cool that you're from Canada." Said Hayes. "Let's go get some lunch." Said Nash.

After we got our food, I followed the guys, since I didn't know where they sat at. We finally reached the table, it is a bit secluded, and I like it. Easier to listen, and not have to hear others talk.

"Hey guys, Shawn tried to talk to Taylor today in second period, but as you know Taylor, he completely ignored him." Said Matt. "Didn't Matt warn you not to talk to him?" Asked Nash. "Yeah he did, but I'm just friendly person." "Cool." Said Johnson.

We talked about stupid things for the rest of lunch. I was glad that I had a group of friends this first day. But now it was time for Chemistry, and I had to follow Matt. We all said our byes and see you laters, and it was off to class now.

I was in Chemistry now, and I could see that everyone in my class was envious of me, it was my first day in this class, but I was getting everything right. I was the only one, that could do the math perfectly in a matter of a few minutes.

I even got extra credit for answering a question before the bell rang, and and some glared at me, but I didn't let it affect me. I was okay with it. I packed up all of my things and followed Matt, to English.

"Wow Shawn, you are really good at chemistry." "I know, some say that I look like I'm so dumb, but I like proving people wrong." "Do you think you could help me with chem, before the test?" "Yeah sure."


English was uneventful, I don't really like it, but I do like that we have a small class, which means we can get more help from the teacher. But me and English are okay friends.

I am walking with Matt to the front gate. We got to it and said bye since he was getting picked up and I was walking home. After I began my way home, which I was ready to get to to do nothing.

I was halfway home, when I spotted Taylor. I started to pick up the pace to see if I could reach him. I caught up to him and tapped in on the shoulder. He turned back and looked annoyed.

"What do you want." He said harshly. "To talk to you." "Well I don't want to talk to you." "How do you not want to talk to me if you don't even know me." "The point is that I don't want to get to know you." "Well I want to get to know you." He looked so annoyed, then he said, "Could you please leave me alone." And he walked away from where we were standing.

I was left dumbfounded, I don't understand why he was annoyed, I was only being nice to him, but he was treating me really harshly. Maybe he didn't have a great day today, that must be it.

I finally got home, and when I got inside me Mom asked, "How was your first day?" "It was fine, I made four new friends today." "See Shawn, I knew that you could make it." I just laugh, and walk up to my room, I lay on my bed, happy that this was such a great first day.  

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