Chapter 3

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***Shawn's POV***

It has been a long week since the Monday I decided not to talk to Taylor anymore. He tries constantly to get me to speak to him, but I simply don't. Part of me wants to talk to him, to see what motive he has to want to talk to me. I have decided that today during lunch, I am going to see what's up with him.

When the bell rings, letting us out of fourth period releasing us to lunch, I grab my things and head out. I am walking, seeing Matt and the others where they are usually are at. Passing them, waving at them, with them waving back towards me.

I reach the table where Taylor hangs out with his friends, I tap him on the shoulder and say, "If you want to talk get up and follow me, this is your only chance." With that I turn around, walking away from him. Seconds later I hear footsteps following me, I know that it is Taylor.

I stop at a secluded area under the stairs, going under them with Taylor following. "So I want to know why you want to talk to me so much, after you have dissed me, so many times. Making me feel bad. I want to know what caused you to change your mind." I tell him. He is hesitant at first, but then says, "When you first talked to me, you were annoying, and I wanted more than anything for you to stop, giving me a reason as to why I was blunt with you. I knew that when I did what I did you were going to give up like the rest of them." He stops and looks at the ground.

Then he continues with, " After you kept talking to me, over and over again, I knew that you wanted to form a true friendship. That's when I decided that I would give you a chance, but then things changed. You were being blunt toward me, and I was the one doing the constant talking. When you gave me this chance I knew that I had to take it."

I look at him and say, "So you wanted someone to believe in you? That you were just wanted a real friendship, not the fake ones with your friends?" "Yeah, that's basically it. And you were that person for me, the one that was actually making the effort." "I am glad that I did make the effort. So do you want to be friends?" "More than anything in the world." Taylor says with a grin on his face. We both get up from where we were, walking towards an empty table, talking for the rest of the lunch period. Before the bell rang, we exchanged phone numbers, so we could make plans for the weekend.

After that the bell rings, and we go our separate ways. I see that Matt is still at the table so I go to him. "Hey Matt, ready to go to chem?" I ask him. "Yeah, I am ready let's go." He says back. We get to class, get out things that we need for the period and walk to our desks, that's when his interrogation began.

"What were you up to with Taylor during lunch?" "We were just talking." Talking about what?" "I wanted to know why he was persistent." "How did that go." "Well didn't you see us during lunch." "Oops, sorry, I forgot that you were sitting with him." "Yeah, so obviously it went well." "Okay, I know I asked a stupid question, alright, leave me alone." That was the last of our conversation, when the Teacher walked in.

It was now the end of the day, I was next to my locker, getting all of my things that I needed during the weekend. Once I was all sorted out, I closed my locker, beginning my journey home. I was about to put my headphones in when I heard, "Hey Shawn, so you need a ride?" I looked up to see that it as Taylor, and I nodded in response. "Then hop in." I walk towards his car, getting in on the passenger side.

We get going and when we reach the turn where we separated he asks, "Left, right?" "Yes, to the left." I tell how to get to my house the rest of the car ride, I get off and thank him, when I was about to close the door he says, "Me and my friends are going to chill at my place, bring your friends too." "Okay sure thing." Then he was off.

I walk into the house, going up the stairs into my room to group message the guys.

S- Hey guys do you have any plans?

H- Nash and I aren't doing anything.

M- I was going to do nothing too.

J- I didn't have plans either.

S- What would you guys say if Taylor invited us to chill at his place with his friends.

N- Who are his friends.

S- Cameron, Carter, Aaron, and some guy named Gilinsky.

H- I'm in.

J- So am I.

M- I guess I'll come as well.

S- All that is left is Nash.

H- You have nothing better to do.

J- I mean we are all going, that means you have to go.

M- Yeah Nash, if you don't go we will shun you.

N- Fine, I'm in.

S- Okay cool, it's at 6.

M- All pick all of you up.

N- Sounds cool

I can't wait for the evening, I have a feeling that it is going to be an eventful, and fun one. One for the books, I might add.  

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