Chapter 2

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***Shawn's POV***

Today is Friday and I was excited, this week has dragged on, and to make even worse is that Taylor is still not budging to talk to me yet. Yeah he talks to me but he is always he is always frank and harsh, but I want to have more of conversation than constantly getting dissed. Well I have a try today in second period. I get up and grab my things to go take a shower.

Once I'm done I go back into my room and pick out a shirt, a pair of pants, and some shoes. I get dressed and grab my phone, wallet, phone charger, and backpack, and head downstairs. I go to the kitchen grabbing the box of cereal, pouring some in bowl, along with milk. Once, I am done eating, I place the bowl into the sink, and start walking to school.

I finally reached the gates of the school, heading in straight to my locker. I grabbing my economics book. When, I was walking to the bench, I bumped into someone saying, "Did someone just bump me?" I look up to see that it was Taylor. I got really excited, I wanted to talk to him, but I decided against it, and just kept walking.

I reached the bench, and there was Matt, and the others, having a conversation, probably about some stupid sports game. I don't really know what they find so interesting about them, thinking about them makes me bored to death. I sit down the bench, saying hi to the guys. They kept up with their conversation, so I decided to get out my music, journal, and begin to write a new song.

I was halfway through the song, when the bell rang, before anyone noticed the journal, I quickly stuffed it in my backpack, not wanting anyone to know about my passion for writing music. I put on my backpack, and head to my first period, which by the way sucks. Economics first thing in the morning should be banned.

Class was finally over with, and man, was I glad that it was over. I'm walking to second period, when I feel someone pull me to them. I look back to see that it was Taylor. I was surprised to see that it was him, I was expecting Matt to be the one, he likes doing that when he finds me.

"Why did you pull me over?" I asked him. "I wanted to know why you didn't talk to me in the morning." "Well, I didn't feel like it." "Why, you are always feeling it." "Well, not at that moment, I didn't feel like talking to you, I didn't feel like having a one sided conversation." "Oh." was the last thing that he said, before, I left not wanting to be late for class.

I make it to anatomy, Matt saving me the spot next to him, once I sit down, in walks Taylor, just before the bell rang. After that we are given out the assignment for the day, Matt asks, "Why, did you come in so late today?" "Well, I was on my way, when Taylor grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards him." "What really, I never heard him do that. But why did he do it?" "Well today in the morning, when I was walking to the bench he bumped me, and I just kept walking. He just wanted to know why I didn't stop to talk to me." "But he doesn't like talking to you. This doesn't make any sense." "I know, so I told him that I didn't because I didn't want to have a one sided conversation. He said oh, and I walked away."

"What I find weird is that he stopped you,to talk to you, he has never done that before." "Well I don't know, what it means, but I am kind over trying to talk to him, all he is to me is rude, and I shouldn't put up with that." "I agree with that Shawn, you deserve better than the way that he was treating you."

For the rest of the period, me and Matt were talking, and I couldn't help but notice that Taylor would look at me. I caught him one time, he looked away from me, pretending he was working. It was weird that he wanted made the move, but I am over making a friendship with him.

Class was over now, I was out the door, not caring to talk to Taylor anymore, it felt nice. I mean if I was not happy talking to someone, the easiest thing to do is to stop talking to them, and that's what I did. Even if it did make me a little sad.

It was the end of the day now, I was now on my way home, when I felt someone walking beside me. I look up to see that it was Taylor. He just keeps walking and so do I. I get a bit irriatated so I say, "Why are your following me?" "I am not following you, I always take this route home." "Then home come I have never noticed you." "Because I am usually in my car." "Then why aren't you in your car." "Because it is in the shop getting fixed up, so now I have to walk." "Okay." Was the last thing I said, before putting in my headphones. I kept walking, not paying attention to him, walking beside me. I finally reach the corner of the street where turn to the left. I just wave at him, and he waves back.

I get to my house, open the door heading straight to my room. I get inside my room, toss my things near my desk, and then I lay in bed. Thinking as to what Taylor wanted from me. First he didn't want to to talk to me, but now he wants to. He is so confusing.

I let go of all of my thoughts, going into a hazy state. I close my eyes for a second, and everything goes dark.   

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