The Dare

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"Give me my back my pen or I will kiss you", he said in an authorative tone.

I let my toungue out in a teasing manner and said "You can't"

He held his gaze to me.

His black eyes were always so deep in my perception. His lips twitched forming a teasful smirk. My insides were starting to rumble. Damn, I hate him

"So you really want to be kissed?" he said still locking his eyes on mine

I can feel my heart beat for a second. It was loud. His jokes always makes me shiver. " Nope." I said.

But somepart inside of me wanted to be kissed by him. Im getting perverted ewsshh. Thank the god who gave me immunity to these kinds of scenes...

He raised both of his thick eyebrows and said in a manner-of-fact tone, "You know? According to psychology, girls says something but they mean the opposite" He then lifted his face leaving our distance with just inches apart. I forced myself not to gulp, not to show any hint of weakness.

I moved closer to him. Only one slight movement and our nose can touch. both of my eyes locked on his as I said, "You can't." I smiled "because boys like that only appears in the movie and this is reality"

And with a fast hand he grabbed his pen on my right hand and raised his hand up making sure that i cant reach for it again. I was on the verged of collapsing and thanking god that we didnt kiss..

"Tch. Cheater" I crossed my arms. Now I have no pen for Math notes..

Actually, I really dont care if I can write my notes down or not. I just like teasing him. When Im with him its like I dont care about everything and I hate it. He always makes me feel vulnerable, small and sometimes useless but he never forgets to compliment me about my flaws and I hate it that way. I just want to be invisible but instead its like Im the ugly pawn who he sees as a fragile queen.

"Are you sure you dont wanna be kissed?" He smiled

"Even if I want to, you still cant" I looked at him just to see those challenging eyes

"Ha. I can but I wont. Im a respectful man though", he looked away still with that quirky grin on his face

"If you wont then you cant"

"Really? Test me", he leaned closer to me with those serious eyes.

But lucky me I am immune to serious stuff. So i joked" I dare you to kiss me"

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