Just Another Dare

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"I dare you NOT to fall in love with me", he blurted out and the heavy atmosphere around us starts to build up.

Everyone in the dining table fell into silence. I looked at him in the eyes and was surprised how challenging his expression was. He smiled a smirk and held his gaze, his head was tilted up carried by his right hand. I can feel everyones eyes was on me and I just cant stand this kind of silence.

" Ha. Easy af. You wanna know whats the hard deal?" , I returned a slight laughter and a smirk. He raised his left eyebrow waiting for the answer. We are sitted beside each other but the angle of our bodies was head on straight to the other.

I leaned closer to him and held my pointing finger to his chest, "I dare you to fall in love with me" I drew a heart with my finger as I look up to him. He sure is tall thoigh we are just sitting.

"Easy", he smiled geneniunly

I continued tracing some lines with my finger on his chest as I said " I dont mean that kind of love to a friend, to acquintance, or even to a partner. You can love anyone but you cant force your heart and mind to fall in love because of a single dare"

He raised my head up facing his face and my finger had abandoned his chest for he clutch it to his own hands. "And why not?"

"Because love is when you care, everything is clear and period. but falling in love means you'll feel jealous, doubtful, scared and possesive. And you cant fall in love with a stranger.  You just met me ."

" And what if I do?", he asked with those satisfying eyes. Our faces are geting closer and closer. His lips must be soft. Im feeling dizzy.

"Ehem", luckily one of my friends got my attention with that obviously forced cough.

I snapped and return to reality that we are in a public fastfood chain, we are infront of our friends, we are minors and most of all, we just met. "Then, you win" I smiled and removed my hand from his and started to devour my melted ice cream when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and carresed my dface and leaned in for a kiss. He was so fast that I didnt had time to think what happened. His eyes were closed while mine was wide and shocked until his tongue entered my mouth and it made me feel dizzy and I didnt mind to kiss him back.

"Wtf. Get a room", I heard my guy friend said in hus best angry and shocked yet  hushed voice.

I wanted more. It felt like ny insides was starting to burn and I wanted to deepen the kiss yet he started to break away. As soon as his lips was no longer in touch I forcefully shut my mouth and bite my cheek so that he cant tell I wanted more but I guess I was transparent to his eyes.

He held his gaze and smiled. He didnt seemed to be out of breath yet I was still forcing myself not to breathe.

"So? Had you fell?", he asked and ut must ruin my mood because he just did it for the dare but it didnt. the feeling of his lips on mine was still there. Lingering and waiting for a second kiss.

"Nope. You can kiss me all you want but I will never love you. Ha", I replied with my sarcastic voice.

"So now if you may excuse me, I must gargle all your traces from my mouth", I stood up and went to the cr.

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