[8] Begin

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    Makarov, are you sure this is the wisest option?" Porlyusca asked the old man, the two were speaking privately in her house while everyone else, including the dragons, were outside. Well more specifically the dragons and a few people were, it's late out and mostly everyone had already gone home. "This letter is ominous, it could be a trap. Even the Dragons didn't like it and as you could see they are desperate to become human again."

    "I'm well aware, Polryusca," Makarov said with a heavy sigh. "But it is only a matter of time before the truth of what has become of the Dragon Slayers goes public, the Magic Council will be biting at our heels and worse, threaten to disband Fairy Tail if they find out about the Dragon Slayers. Sabertooth would be no different. If we want to save our families then we would have no choice but to go along with the letter."

    "It's clear you have made up your mind, Makarov," Porlyusca sighed, knowing full well that there is no changing Makarov's mind when he's like this. "What is your plan if you were to go out there?"

    "According to this map we need to head south towards the desert, just across from that would be the Scarlet God guild hall. We'll make three teams and send them out there to look. Don't worry, there will be at least one dragon on each team and strong mages with them. They will be well protected with the dragons as their defense and offense. I trust they would do well," Makarov said.

     Porlyusca sighed, still wanting to disagree but knowing he's right. She scoffed, "Fine, do whatever you want, Makarov. But I warn you that this may not be the best idea." He rolled his eyes and grumbled. The small old man stood up and jumped down from the chair and made his way towards the door.

    "Don't be reckless with your children's lives, old fool," Porlyusca warned, he made an inaudible complaint and left the house, slamming the door just as carefree as ever. She closed her eyes and gave a soft smile. "Old food, I hope he knows what he's getting himself into..."


     Master walked outside and sighed, covering his face with his hands briefly before stepping forward again. Natsu sat there with Mira on his back, they were waiting for him for a bit from the looks of it. Natsu looked at Master with narrowed eyes and pinned back ears, he clearly heard every word but Mira looked oblivious with the idea. She waved at master and got off the pink dragon, she walked over to the miniature master with a vibrant smile.

    "So master, what are we going to do?" She asked, keeping pace as the two went over to the dragon waiting for them. Natsu lowered his head and shifted, allowing them to get easy access to his back. Master got up first with Mira following soon after. Natsu stood up and shook his head and began walking again, heading towards the clearing where they were last assembled.

    "We're going through with the note," Master said bleakly, Mirajane jumped and Natsu started growling.

    "Master, are you sure?" Mira asked.

    "It will only be a matter of time before word of what happens spreads to the Magic Council... and the public. This may be a risk but it's our best and only option right now," Natsu turned his head and growled at the old man, who patted the dragon's head lightly.

    "I know you don't like this idea, Natsu. But don't you want to become human again?" Master asked, Natsu flinched and turned his head forward again with a sigh. "It's just a risk we need to take to achieve that goal."

     Natsu picked up the pace, walking thunderously back to where everyone else was waiting, he snorted rings of smoke and reemerged back into the clearing the dragons were at. The humans went home earlier while the Dragons took their leave deeper into the forest. Natsu lowered his head and let the master and Mirajane off lightly, the two waved at him and took their leave to return to the guild. It was pitch black outside with the moon barely lighting up the night and the stars twinkling peacefully. Natsu scoffed and walked back through the forests, animals scattering as he took each step north. The other dragons were sitting there, but Natsu already saw some humans there too. Levy, Romeo, Cana, and Lucy were sitting there, talking to each other while the dragons seemed to be listening to their conversation. Gajeel was the first one to notice him, he lifted his head and growled in greeting.

    "What did the old man say?"  Gajeel asked.

    "We're going through with the note,"  Natsu sighed and sat down, rolling on his back to face the stars with his wings fanned out. He felt Gajeel's anger and felt the tension radiating from the Iron Dragon in powerful waves. "He says that it would only be a matter of time before everyone outside of the guilds find out about this. It could be bad so we're leavin' for it tomorrow."

    "WHAT WAS THAT OLD GEEZER THINKING!?"  Gajeel roared, stepping towards Natsu threateningly. Natsu sat up and hissed at him to calm down.

    "I don't think that would be a good idea,"  Wendy muttered, shifting uncomfortably. "I- I mean I do wanna go back to normal! It's just that this entire thing has me shivering..."

     Natsu nodded and stood up, he shoved Gajeel lightly away and went over to Wendy. Sting and Rogue were already asleep, Rogue slept on a large rock while Sting napped on the ground, underneath the moon directly. The humans were there, sitting with them while watching the dragons curiously. Wendy moved away from them and stood next to Gajeel and Natsu, looking down at them.

    "Looks like they were fighting again,"  Natsu observed, looking at the wounded Shadow and White dragon.

    "No crap, Sherlock..."  Gajeel muttered. "That's all I ever see 'em doin' now. Just dukin' it out lika buncha idiots. Just like you and Ice Princess."

    "OOOO~! Someone's salty!"  Natsu mocked, Gajeel pinned back his ears and growled.

    "I'M NOT SALTY, YA MORON!"  Gajeel roared.

    "OH YES YOU ARE!!!"  Natsu snickered.

    "NUH-UH~! "

    "UH HUH~! "

    "NUH UH~!"

    "UH HUUUH~! "

    "WANNA GO YOU FIERY MOUTH BREATHER?!"  Gajeel arched his back and hissed.

    "COME ON LET'S GO RIGHT NOW!"  Natsu joined in and the two began circling each other, growling while waiting for the other to make their move. Before either of them could so much as even take one step forward, Wendy jumped in between them and hissed, flaring her wings.

     "STOP THIS! BOTH OF YOU!"  Wendy bellowed, Gajeel and Natsu backed away from each other, glaring. Gajeel snorted and stood by a tree while Wendy stared at Natsu, pleading. He turned away from her and sighed.

    Natsu decided to change the subject. "What are they doing here?"  He asked, looking at the humans. "Shouldn't they be back at the guild?"

    "We tried gettin' 'em out but they just decided to stay,"  Gajeel explained, looking down at the humans. "But eh, who cares. I'm gonna go huntin'. Wanna come?"

    "Sure,"   Natsu said, walking over to him with Wendy hot on his heels. "Haven't hunted in a few days by now."

    "Let's go!"  Wendy chirped, bounding ahead of them as they made their way deeper into the forest.

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