[13] Embarking

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     At dawn the next morning, Team One, Two, and Three got out of the cabin, their captains wielding all their supplies as they neared the dragons camp. Natsu was sleeping in a pile of grass ashes, Sting was awake and sitting on a rock directly under the sunlight while Rogue basked in a nice, shadowed area. Wendy was hanging upside down again, sleeping. Seilah was sleeping in the pond nearest to the camp, she was floating on her back of course with her nose sticking up. Gajeel was nowhere to be found, but there was a strange tunnel underground that was suspiciously about as big as him.

     Happy flew over to Wendy and Natsu and began trying to wake them up while Frosch and Lectar flew over to their companions and began talking to them, Lectar would explain everything in fine detail about what they're doing while Frosch would say "Fro thinks so too" with his adorable voice. Pantherlily instead went to investigate the tunnel and reemerged seconds later with Gajeel, or more accurately, Gajeel's head since he was poking it out of the tunnel. Once all the dragons were ready, the teams began wishing luck to each other and made their way over to their dragons.

     Gajeel's group was ready quickly, but that was mainly because Erza literally threw everyone on Gajeel's back and forced their bags over his side like a horse. Not to mention she even put a friggen saddle and reins on Gajeel, the poor soul looked like he was in hell. Erza is to be feared. Team Three, or Sabertooth, was a bit slower when it came to getting ready. Sting and Rogue fought over who would carry everyone and ended up with the team of eight to be split in two. Team One, or Team Natsu (incomplete without Gray and Erza) was a bit slower than Gajeel's group but it was done more efficiently, Wendy was going to carry everyone while Natsu handled the supplies.

    "Help me,"  Gajeel whined, Erza was slapping his rump with spiked gloves (given to her by Master in order to control Gajeel). He was already drawing blood, and his scales were iron!

    "Haha! Sucks for you, metal head!"  Natsu said and flicked his forked tongue out at the Iron dragon.

    "You son of a-"

    "Erza! Stop that! You're hurting him!" Levy protested.

    "What makes you think that?" Erza demanded.

    "He's bleeding, and his scales are iron too! Don't you think you're treating him too much like an animal instead of a person? He's not a horse you know!"

    "Oh stop being such a baby! Your boyfriend's fine!"

    "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Gajeel growled in agreement.

     Gajeel started off Southeast almost immediately after, he was careful with his steps from his brief injury but he was running surprisingly fast, Pantherlily flew after him and the entire team vanished from sight within a few seconds. Sting and Rogue turned to Natsu and Wendy next.

    "Wish you two luck,"  Rogue growled.

    "Same here, bud! Don't you two go fighting without me, though!"  Natsu said and flashed his signature smile, it wasn't as exciting as his original one but it was still enough to encourage those around him.

    "We'll rumble when we get back, Natsu-san!"  Sting snapped back with a grin, he extended out his left wing and Natsu did the same with his right one, they clapped wings like a high five. Sting and Rogue were gone in a flash along with the rest of Team Sabertooth, the white and shadow dragons vanishing behind trees, not even seconds later they shot out of the canopy and flew Southwest into the clouds and out of sight. Natsu looked over at Wendy, she nodded and the two made sure their passengers/luggage were secure before shooting off into the sky, flying dead South and rising higher into the skies until they were disguised in the misty clouds.

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