[23] Fairy Tail vs Scarlet God

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     Sting felt someone nudging his nose, he slowly opened his eyes and blinked away the sleep. He stretched out his neck and yawned, he looked down at Yukino. The other humans were already awake, Gajeel was still asleep and so was Rogue, but Wendy was up and at 'em. Of the four dragons there were 23 humans with them. Gajeel's team had the most humans and was responsible for carrying the dragon slayers, Wendy's team was composed of the intelligence of the force, Sting and Rogue were carrying their own teams on their backs. Team Wendy; Lucy, Laki, Seilah, Macarov, Xavior, and Leesha. Team Sabertooth; Yukino, Rufus, Lector, Michalis, and Mirajane; Minerva, Orga, Frosch, Ren, and Lissana.

    "Sting, we have to go now," Yukino said. Sting nodded and bowed his head so that everyone on his half of the team could mount on his neck. When everyone was secure, Sting stood up and walked over to Rogue. He used his claw to scratch at Rogue's nose, Rogue was awake in an instant, he got up and hissed at Sting, covering his bleeding nose.

    "The hell was that for, jerk!? " Rogue roared.

    "We're going now. Wake up Gajeel,"  Sting said simply.

     Rogue rolled his eyes and moved over to gajeel, he did the same thing Sting did to wake him up, But this time Gajeel jumped up like a viper and head budded Rogue against the sand then went back to sit on the ground. Rogue started roaring at Gajeel, Gajeel smirked as if to say "keep-talkin'-I-couldn't-give-less-of-a-crap". Sting sighed and turned to Wendy, she already had her group together and was waiting paitently for everyone else.

    "You ready for this?"  Sting asked.

    "Yeah!"  Wendy cheered. "We're gonna save Natsu-san and Coral! I'm so excited!"

    "Yep. Remember the plan?"

    "Yeah, the teams split up and go to fight while the dragon slayers go ahead to help us occupy Natsu and Coral, right?"

    "Yeah, do we have everyone?"

    "Gajeel was the one responsible for carrying the dragon slayers so ask him that."

    "I like the way you think."  Sting turned to face Rogue and Gajeel, they were glaring at each other but had everyone on their backs. "You guys ready?"

    "Shut the hell up! Of course we are!"  Gajeel growled.

    "Oo, someone's grouchy this morning, huh? " Gajeel just stuck his tongue out at Sting.

    "OK then."

     Sting, Rogue, and Wendy jumped in the air while Gajeel started off on a high sprint. Gajeel rocketed across the the desert while Wendy took of at a quick speed. Rogue and Sting flew side by side, they felt their passengers cling onto their fur as Sting and Rogue flew after Gajeel and Wendy.

    "I remember when Vicelogia took me out for flights when I was a kid,"  Sting sighed, nostalgia drifting into his mind.

    "Skiadrum too. Words cannot describe how much I miss him,"  Rogue said, you could almost see tears welling up in his red eyes. Rogue and Sting exchanged glances then looked back at the people riding on their backs.

    "I wonder how they are doing,"  Sting mused. "I know they're dead and all, but Vicelogia always told me about the Doragon No Ten, or Dragon's Heaven, when I was a kid. If that place is real then I wonder how they are doing in it."

    "Skiadrum never told me about that stuff, he taught me to be realistic about things. Like if someone is dead then they're dead, nothing changes,"  Rogue said, he caught Sting's glare and added, "But if  Doragon No Ten is real then I'm willing to bet that they're still watching us."

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