The midnight pack

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skylars POV

  I was  six. Sitting ontop of the stair case watching my parents watch the T.V. screen laughing at some movie. I remember that I couldn't fall asleep so I went to go downstairs but got memorized by my parents affection for eachother, they were made for eachother...litterally; they're mates. 

I laughed at the movie and they turned around to look at me. Oh no, i'm going to be in trouble but before they could say anything the windows shattered and caught there attention. I screamed as four wolves and two vampires darted into the house, by now my parents were already in defense mode. "We have come for you, Crystal, and your mate, Chris. You made a hybrid and we need to take care of that." One of the vampires hissed. They were talking about me.

I'm a hybrid. A mix of vampire, Were wolf, and goddess. 

"RUN SKY, RUN! WE LOVE YOU!" I heard my mother yell before she turned back to fight off another vampire. We all knew this day was coming and I knew exactly what to do. I ran to my room and grabbed an emergency backpack that I packed a long time ago and jumped out the window landing softly on the ground. They told me never to turn around but I did. 

I looked in the window and saw my father on the floor and the last coven/pack vampire snap my mothers neck right infront of me. Tears streamed down my face and the vampire sensed me. He came up to me and started talking to me but his words never got through to my ears, I was too angery. He went in for my neck and I just let all my power loose. 

I closed my eyes and let all the anger out letting it surround me. When I was satasfied I opened my eyes to see a burnt waste land and a crisp vampire at my feet; dead. It looked like a meteror had blown everything up and I just ran. I ran until Artemis found me and took me to olympus as I sobbed all the way there.


  I screamed as I bolted upright in bed; Sweat dripping off my forehead and jagged breathes consumed me as I started to cry. That dream just gets to me, Every night it's the same. Seeing my parents die and me running away. That was twelve years ago, I'm eighteen now. 

  I got out of bed and looked in the mirror; My pale blue eyes stared back at me in pitty. I had golden hair that went down to my butt, litterally i'm not just bragging. It was wavy in the back with big side bangs in the front to hide my face. I was about 5'6, the tallest in my god forsaken pack, the blue stone pack, and had full red lips with a small botton nose. I sighed and went into the washroom. I wonder what my pack will have in store for me today, maybe some shoves or slaps, But they don't hurt me.

I turned on the water as hot as my body could take it as I stripped. I stepped in feeling my aching muscles relax; Even though my pack may be abusing I still train every day. I might be the strongest in my pack, well actually I AM the strongest. I don't want anyone to find out what I am so I just take the pain and work it off later in running or something.

"SKY! GET DOWN HERE AND MAKE US BREAKFAST!" I heard alpha jack yell. I quickly finished in the shower and got dressed. I picked out a black tank with a lacy blue top to go over it, black ripped skinny jeans and combat boots to finish it. I put up my hair in a loose pony tail and headed down stairs. 

I walked into the kitchen and instantly felt pain on my cheek. I looked up and saw alpha Jack there with a red face. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR BREAKFAST!" I just nodded my head and started making pancakes. 

After the pack ate they all left the kitchen to train or just hang around but not without the pack slut, cassy, shove me so My hand landed on the hot burner and give me a second degree burn. I didn't even wince at it, I just washed off my hand and bandaged it up; It should be gone in a few days. "Sky. Tomorrow morning I expect an amazing breakfast, extra early too because it's cassy's birthday." I nodded and went to my room. Little did the pack know that I was going to run away tonight and call for Artemis to help me find somewhere safe to be. 

My wolf couldn't wait to be let out and leave this place. Yes I can shift but I hardly get out so i've only shifted about twice. For what I know I'm a golden wolf, Yes a little far fetched to be gold but I am, just like my hair. My eyes are a more vibrate blue, like the waters of mexico, and my coat shimmers in the sunlight. I'm also much larger than other wolves because i'm a hybrid but they don't know that. 

With being part vampire I don't need blood or fangs to survive but I still have extra speed and senses on top of my wolf ones because of that. On to the last part; With being mostly a goddess I can control the emements, tansport, and other things that I haven't mastered yet. All I know is that being a hybrid i'll never be safe until I find my mate. Artemis said he's not a hybrid but doesn't have anything against them and i'm so thankful for that. 

Quickly pack all my idems in my bag and stash it under my bed. Tonight I will leave and never come back. 

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