chapter 15

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Skylar's POV

Unix came up behind me and cradled me in his arms until I stopped screaming for Cartter to come back. I changed into spandex, black workout pants and a black sports bra to go and look for cartter. If I have to go down to the pits of hell I will. Unix offered to come with me but we both decided I needed to be alone. 

The trees whipped past me as the sun slowly when down, demons are easier to find at night so I thought I might as well go to a club. Black, leather leggings hung off my hips as I swayed on the dance floor of 'Manic'. My green, sparkly tank top shone off the strobe lights and cascaded off peoples bodies creating a green glow but people didn't seem to mind. Some guy grabed me from behind and I tripped over my 6 inch heels.

"Hello sexy." He purred in my ear. 

I turned so I could see him and saw that he was just a vampire waiting for his next meal to walk straight into his grasps. I giggled and flicked him in the forhead.

"Not today Vamps." I said and wigged out of his hands and across the dance floor to the bar. Sighing, I sat down and looked around the club, two demons just came in. My Katana was hidden on my back with Glamour; no one but me can see it until I grab it. 

I followed the two demons to the back of the club and up a set of descrete stairs. 

"Did you hear that?" The blonde one asked.

"No, stop wasting time." Brunette said. 

I kept in the shadows and out of sight until they rounded the corner and through a carved wooden door. They shut the door and I pressed my ear upagainst the door to try and hear what they where saying.

"My sister will come for me." My breathe caught in my throat, Cartter. 

"She doesn't even know where to look, She'll give up so easily and youjust met her." Someone said. 

While I listened to their conversation more my anger grew inside me to make a pit where my heart should be. I needed to get Cartter. 

Body checking the door it flew open and I saw about ten demons inside the room but all I could focus on was Cartter in the middle of the room.

His blonde hair slicked across his forhead with blood that ran down to his cheek. His golden eyes, dull and lifeless as he looked at me with hope. 

I growled at everyone and some of the lower level demons shrunk back. Time to teach these guys a lesson. Bringing off the glamour I brought out my Katana and all hell broke lose.

A demon to my right attack first I lunged at him and cut off his head. Then the one to my left. Finally I found blondy again and he punched me in the face but I didn't feel anything; Sending a round house kick to his stomach he flew into the brenette demon. They both got up but didn't attack again. 

"Wait." One of them said. I stopped but still held my attack postion.

"We don't want the boy. We want you. If you come with us we'll let the boy go." Blondy said.

"No! Don't go with them Sky!" Cartter yelled. 

I dropped my Katana and looked over at Cartter with a look of apology. 

"I'm sorry Cartter." I said and grabbed the outstretched hand of the blondes. 

"Tell Unix I love him and get home safe. I love you." I chocked out between sobs.

"NO!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face but it was too late, everything was black; I was knocked out. Cartter please be safe. 


I woke up in a small cell. Most likely it was undeground because of all the moss on the walls and the water dripping from the ceiling. I finally came to my senses and tried to get up. Pain when out through my left leg and I fell hoplessly to the ground. Getting into a sitting position a man came around the corner and my vision came into view. 

"Who a-are you?" I managed to choke out but it felt like dust replaced the words. I need water and fast. "Water." I said and the man handed me a cup between the bars. I drank it fast and my throat cleared so I could breathe and talk. 

"You. You are my slave. Do as what I tell you, little hybrid and I won't hurt your family." He said and I sat there shocked. "I am David but you will call me sir." I nodded. Black holes started to fill my vision again and I slumped over onto the ground.

Unix's POV

She's been hours. I let her go to the club but what if she's hurt or wrose...dead. My own throught caught in my head and I couldn't think anymore. The back door opened and I smiled thinking it was Sky but it wasn't. It was Cartter. 

"Cartter? Are you okay? Where is Sky?" I said panicking. 

"She-she gave her s-self up f-or me." He said through sobs. 

Sky is gone? No! I will find her, I'll get the whole paack to help!

"Artmeis!" I yelled and she appeared infront of me. "Sky has been captured."

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