Chapter 12

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Cartter's POV

I can't believe I have a sister! I always had visions about sky but I never knew why until I met her down in the dungeon room.

We all slowly got off the ground and walked towards the soft, blue couches. I sat down on the chair next to the couch; the chair was a nice shade of black with lining of white an one white pillow. Skylar and Dawn sat down on the couch which had nice black pillows with white lining to match.

"So.. This will take a little while to explain." she started off. I nodded and motioned her to keep talking.


About an hour later me and Skylar were crying and explaining things that happpened.

She explained that our parents were murdered by vampires and werewolves and that she had to run away. After she ran Artemis, the moon goddess, came and protected her. Artemis put her in a safe house with a pack but the pack was abusive and rude so she ran away and Artemis took her here, this house, and now she goes to school were she met Unix, her mate, and found us.

She sighed and wiped her eyes with a Kleenex.

"And that's about it." She said.

"Ok well I have to ask... what are we?" I said because I really didn't know.

"This might be a shock but I'm part vampire, werewolf, and goddess... I haven't figured out what you are yet. But you can shift right?"

"Yes I can shirt and I'm really fast like faster than just a werewolf." I responded.

"You're probably vamp/werewolf. I'm not to sure about the god thing because you can control the elements but nothing else right?"She said.

I nodded and smiled.

"Did you guys want some lunch? I'm not going to school."

Me and dawn nodded. She headed to the kitchen and started to pull out things to make sandwiches. We all made our own food, tried not to cut our selves on glass and then ate in silence as the tv was the only background noise.

Skylar's POV

We all ate in silence as the tv played on. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

I slowly go up and grabbed a Katana off the wall.

I stood in defence position as I whipped open the door and push the person up the side wall with my Katana across their neck.

"WHOA! Sky! it's me!" I know that deep voice.

I looked up to see Unix. He had dark bags under his eyes and it looked like he had been crying.

I released him from the wall and went to stand in front of Dawn and Cartter.I growled at him;He will not take my brother and Dawn.

"I'm not here for them, I came to apologize. I shouldn't have ever treated children that way... I'm a cruel person."

I nodded. "and for torturing my brother." I said sternly and pointed to cartter.

Unix looked so confused as he opened and shut his mouth a few times as if to decide what to say.

"Don't worry I'll explain." I said as I sat him down on the couch. "A demon entered the house when Dawn was down stairs getting water. I was upstairs working out when I heard a scream so I ran downstairs to see Dawn had dropped the glass and the demon had cornered her, I attacked the demon and told Dawn to run. She ran to Cartter, by the stairs."

He nodded and told me to contiue.

"I attacked the demon and he tree me off his back and into my glass cabinets," I pointed to the kitchen. "I built a fire ball and was about to throw it but demon blood went everywhere and I saw Cartter standing there with his own ball... he killed the demon. By the. We both blacked out and had a vision of your parents and such. Now we know we're related." I said in one breath.

"Wow. I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt them. I put my best man in charge of them and I didn't think he would hurt them that much." Unix said.

"I forgive you as long as Cartter and Dawn does." I looked over to them.

"We forgive you." Cartter said and Dawn nodded.

"Thank you. I'm very sorry again." Unix said.

I got up and went to the kitchen. "Artemis!?" I yelled and within an instant she was standing in front of me. "Please help me." I asked. She nodded and suddenly the kitchen was clean. All the glass was gone and the cabinets where fixed;it looked as if nothing had happened.

"Thank you." I said and started making tea.

" What happened? the gods have been keeping an eye on me and I couldn't check on you."She turned me so I would face her and inspected the cut on my forehead, it was already healing.

"A demon came and attacked Dawn," I said pointing to her. "Things went wrong and then I figured out Cartter is my brother." I finished.

"Well I'm just glad you're ok." She responded.

"Did you know Cartter was my brother?"

"Yes," My hands tightened on the kitchen counter as she spoke. "but I couldn't find him so I never told you. You had enough going on." she said.

I nodded and started to feel very dizzy. The last thing I saw was Unix running towards me and then I fell limp into his arms.

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