Chapter 7

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Skylars POV

After the mall with Artemis I came back home and fell asleep on my bed. I got the perfect outfit and I couldn't wait for Unix it see it tomorrow! 

As I dreamed I dreamt of two children trapped in a dark space and being held there with no food or water, They looked scared as hell and were covered in dirt. 

I woke up and I knew I had to find them, maybe Unix will know something. I 'll ask him at scool. I laied back down and looked at the time. Shit! School started in an hour! How did I sleep for that long?!?! 

I jumped out of bed and into the shower. Quickly doing my hair and body I rushed out and Grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top along with my bra and underwear. I slipped everything on and tied my hair back. While running down stairs I grabbed my boots and put them on. 

My motor cycle was calling fo me but I have to fill it up on gas, I guess I'll have to take the car. The engine roared to life as I put my my seat belt and threw my jacket in the passenger seat. I pulled my '68 red camaro out of the garage and down the road towards school. I looked down to find a freshly made coffee cup in the holder. I smiled and read the note next to it.

Thought you might need this :)

-xoxo Artemis

I chugged half of the coffee and decided i'll drink the rest during English. 

Parking the car just as the bell rang, I ran toward my locker, grabbed my books and sprinted to English. Crap, the doors closed.

I knocked and Mr.Anderson looked up from his papers. Or atleast I think his name is that, haha. He got up and opened the door.

"Skylar, late on your first day. Don't let it happen again." I nodded and headed to the back seat. 

Werewolf, Werewolf, Human, Werewolf... The list goes on as I sit there bored out of my mind. Finally the bell rings and I rush to get to gym. 

Damn, I forgot my coffee in the car.. whatever. I grab my P.E. strip and change in the locker room. 

"Ok, We're first going to run four laps around the field and then do a fitness test." My teacher yells. It looks like the class is all girls; They all groan and I giggle, it wont even wind me! I look to my right and see Unix smirking at me. I smile and he waves. 

My class goes outside and starts on their laps. 

15 minutes later i'm finished because I sprinted the whole thing, I guess I was sort of showing off. I ask the teacher, that I don't remeber the name of, to go get some water. He just nods and goes back to timing the run on his Ipad. I jog down to the fountine by the gravelfield and take some sips of water. 

I felt hands on my waste so I turned to come face to face with a panting and sweaty looking Unix. God he looked hot. 

"Hey." He smirked. 

"Hey." I said.

"I like the way you look right now, all hot and.." He paused," sweaty." He smirked again. I laughed.

"Well maybe you'll be seeing that more offten." I smiled and carressed his face as I slipped out from his grasp and ran towards my class. Looking back I saw a stunned looking Unix with his mouth open. I laughed and returned to where all of the other students were just finishing. 

The rest of the class wasjust push-ups, sit-up, running, ect. Of course I aced it! I quickly changed and had a shower. I was suprised to find that each of the showers are separated from view but they were freezing cold. I didn't mind though. 

I dressed myself and put my hair in a bun; just as I was leaving a girl came up to me, she looked like the school slut. 

"You. Stay away from my man." She sneered. 

"And who might 'Your man' be?" I quoted 'you man' in the air. 

"Unix." I scoffed. She smelt like every boy in the school except Unix, I smiled; That means he waited for me! 

"Listen you dirty mut," She looked taken back," Ya thats right I know what you are. Unix is my soul mate so I can do whatever I want. I don't need your concent." I whispered to her and walked away. 

"Well see about that!" She yelled at me. I turned around and flipped her off. Everyone gasped, I just shrugged and walked to my next class. Math. 

Unix's POV

After I saw my mate all sexy in gym I couldn't wait to see her soon. I changed and heard someone yell 'We'll see about that!' in the main gym. I walked out and saw Skylar flip off cassy. I tried to hold in my laugher as Skylar shrugged and walked off the her next class.

Great I have math! I'm not saying I hate it or I'm bad at it but I get bored. I walk into the room and see my beautiful mate sitting in the back row right next to my desk. I smiled to myself. Maybe this time I won't be bored.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update, i've hate school and stuff like that :/ also sorry it's so short but I promise next chapter will be extra long :) Leave comments or ideas for me thanks!

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