Double Date?

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The next day the gems went to the barn to show Citrine to Lapis. When they got they got to the barn, Citrine felt something weird. He decided to ignore it. But then a craft came shooting in the ground. Out came the 5 rubies. "YOU LIED TO US." The leader said shouting. "But Yellow Diamond is de-." Steven was interrupted by the gems shattering the rubies. When Citrine saw Lapis using her water powers he whispered "She's so ho-." He covered his mouth being shocked at what he said. "H-hey Steven." Citrine asked Steven. "Yeah?" Steven said. "What is this emotion I feel for Lapis, I feel a tingling feeling. And I just want to be around her all the time?" Citrine asked. "That's love." Steven said. "Here read this." Steven gave Citrine a book.
Time Skip 1 hour
"So what is a date?" Citrine asked. "Oh, a date is a romantic practice where two people in love have dinner or dance or something. Most of them end with a kiss." Steven said. Citrine then walked to Lapis and said. "Lapis will you go out with me." Citrine said. "What?" She said. "A date." Citrine said. "Fine." Lapis mumbled.
Peridot found the book and read it.
Time Skip 4 hours
Lapis and Citrine were about to go out on a date, when Peridot asked Steven "Steven, can you go out with me?" Steven blushed hard. And Citrine said "Ok how about we have a double date." Steven blushed harder. Peridot said ok and got ready.
They arrived at the restaurant. They sat down. "Alright guys we only have $100." Steven said. "Hey Steven what should I get." Peridot asked. "Just pick one!" Steven said. Peridot pointed to #49. Which was a Chicken and Cheese pot pie. Lapis wanted Lobster. Citrine wanted spaghetti. Steven wanted Pizza. They got Mozzarella sticks and soup for appetizers. After dinner, Citrine wanted to go to a dance club. However no one else did. So on the way home they went to Fumland to ride the Ferris wheel. Eventually Lapis and Citrine kissed and Peridot kissed Steven. Steven blushed until he was red as a tomato. When they came back Lapis and Citrine were holding hands and Steven was still red. He went to bed while Peridot watched Camp Pining Hearts.

This chapter tho. Suggested be EndoGaster AGAIN.

Stevidot love fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora