First Rehearsal

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Mercy POV
Today is the day. My first rehearsal. I really hope I can control my feelings. While I am getting ready, I get a text from Kevin.
Kevin- Hey baby girl, don't forget the contract.
My heart sinks when I read baby girl. But, then I instantly snap out of it and reply,
Me- I have it and stop calling me baby girl.
Kevin- I know you like it
Me- no I don't. Please Kevin, make this easier for all of us and not try anything. Shari is pissed already that I'm dancing with you.
Kevin- I know. She yelled at me.
Me- Well don't do anything or else I'll quit
Kevin- Don't worry baby girl. I'll keep it professional
Me- Kevin
Kevin- Oops my bad. I guess I'm just used to calling you that 😏
I roll my eyes and not reply. When I look in the mirror in front of me, I see myself smiling and biting my lip. It's gonna be a long day. I collect my gatherings and head to my car. While I drive, I tap on the wheel repeating,
"I do not like him."
"I won't let him get to me."
When I get there, I take a deep breath and walk in. I get into the studio seeing the guys, Maria, and Tia there.
"Hey guys"
Maria replies,
"Hey Mercedes. I guess we are only waiting for Alexa now so you all can just chill until she gets here"
I nod and tap on Kevin's shoulder. He turns to me and smirk.
"Can I talk to you alone please?"
We both walk out and I instantly say,
"Please don't make this hard for us"
"What do you mean babygirl?"
"This. This is what I mean. You have to stop calling me baby girl and flirting with me"
Kevin takes a step closer.
"And what if I don't?"
"Then, Shari will kill us"
"Ugh why do you care about what she says?"
"Because she is my best friend, Kevin. I won't betray her like this. Not now, not ever. You also have to stop smirking and winking at me"
He takes another step closer and says,
"Why? Because it makes you melt?"
I stutter,
All of a sudden, our faces are centimeters away from each other. There is no space between us. I whisper,
"God you drive me crazy"
He breathes and was gonna say something when I hear the door open. We instantly split to see Alexa rushing to the door. She says out of breath,
"Hey guys...did you start?"
"Um no. We are waiting for you."
We all walk in and Maria says,
"Great! Alexa's here. Let's get started."

So, Maria shows us the dance with her partner nane Chris and may I tell you this dance is filled with love and lust. I start to panic. Maria starts teaching it step by step and I am kinda getting a hang of it. The only problem is each time we stop, Kevin and I are inches from each other so we look deep in each other's eyes and I get lost in paradise. I always snap back to reality when Maria yells to start again. After, there was a part when the grips my thigh. Every time Kevin does it, he breathes down my neck sending chills through my spine. Then, he whispers in my ear,
"Damn it, you drive me crazy, too"
I breathe in shakey and gasp when he squeezes my thigh. I look straight in his eyes. His sparkly hazel eyes. I get lost in them as if his eyes had a trance. Then, all of a sudden, I hear Shari's voice
"You can't date my brother"
"If you this, I will fire you as a dancer and as a friend"
"My brother will hurt you"
I suddenly snap out of it and ask,
"Maria, can I go to the bathroom?"
"Yeah, sure"
I walk out and put my back against the wall. I slid down with my head in my hands praying that this will all be just a dream. Damn it! I can't control my feelings.

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